5 thoughts on “How To Read A Scientific Paper”

  1. Wow, some things never change! I saw a mimeographed version of that list about forty years ago. My Dad brought it home from the office. (He worked at NASA.)

  2. One is clearly incomplete:

    “It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of this phenomenon occurs”

    Correct translation:
    “I don’t understand, and I’ll need a whole lot more money, maybe a Center or Institute, to get to the bottom of it.

    1. It’s basic science means it is something taught and comprehended at basic levels of education in that field. This is stuff like 3rd grade science projects and 2+2=4.

      Speaking of 2+2=4, I’m still waiting for some citation to your claim that the code of federal regulations are wrong and most 4 engine aircraft cannot handle 2 engine failures. I’m sure your astute scientific rigor will mean you have evidence to back up your unorthodox claim.

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