Jobs For Young People

Want to destroy them? Raise the minimum wage.

One of the reasons that I’m not a Republican is that they won’t argue over principle. They’ll concede it to the Democrats, and then just negotiate the price. They shouldn’t be arguing that it shouldn’t be raised — they should be arguing that it shouldn’t exist, on both principle of freedom of contract, and on its devastating effects on youth unemployment, particularly in the inner cities. The notion that there should be a single minimum wage applicable to all fifty states is both odious and ludicrous.

4 thoughts on “Jobs For Young People”

  1. “One of the reasons that I’m not a Republican is that they won’t argue over principle. They’ll concede it to the Democrats, and then just negotiate the price.” Amen, except I guess I can’t say that since I am a Republican, but at least I hold my nose.

  2. The genius of “liberal” Democrats: “How can we decrease unemployment? Hey, what if we jacked up the price of labor?! That should send employers on a hiring binge!”

    And they thought George W. Bush was stupid.

    1. To be fair, unpaid interns are one of the ways the ‘elite’ try to ensure that only their kids can get good jobs. They were the norm when I worked on movies in the UK, and it meant those whose parents could afford to pay for them to live in London with no income had a much greater chance of eventually getting a paid job in a production company.

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