4 thoughts on “Ten New-Year Resolutions”

  1. I would guess that the one “Il Dufe” is least likely to do is positive resolution #2, which involves him coming out of his Red Diaper Baby cocoon and reading some basic pro-freedom literature. (This resolution, by the way, is one the Obama Zombies who post here would be well-advised to adopt.) Obama is about as likely to read Hazlitt’s ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON as Chris Gerrib is to read this other Hazlitt classic:


  2. Obama was not aware of New Year’s resolutions. He just now learned about them watching the news like everyone else.

  3. If anybody does buy these books, be sure to to get them from Amazon using our host’s search box. The Kindle versions are much cheaper. For the Thinking as a Science book, $2.99 vs. a $14.00 ebook at the Von Mises Institute store. Amazon also has it for $7.80 if you prefer a dead tree edition.

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