Income Inequality

Republicans should own the issue, with competition and markets, and fighting cronyism:

Well, no. Inequality has increased across advanced economies. Macro factors such as globalization and technology deserve most — but maybe not all — of the “blame.” Big Government loves to pick winners and losers in the private sector. Some lucky ducks owe their place in the 1 percent or 0.1 percent or 0.01 percent to federal favoritism. Conservatives shouldn’t mind at all when value-creating innovators and entrepreneurs strike it rich while crony capitalists do not. The precious tax breaks and subsidies that go to rent seekers, such as those in the agriculture and alternative-energy sectors, should get the ax. Sorry, Big Sugar and Big Solar.

Unfortunately, they don’t mind cronyism that much, as long at it’s their cronyism.

One thought on “Income Inequality”

  1. Maybe Mensans such as “dn-guy” can explain it, but I’ve never understood why I’m supposed to be upset by income inequality. And I speak as one whose income is very, very modest. If someone has many, many times more bucks in the bank than I do, and they’ve acquired those bucks honestly (that is, without force or fraud)–and is using those bucks in ways that don’t harm me (that lets you out, Darth Soros), how is that inequality in incomes supposed to be harming me?

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