3 thoughts on “Jobs”

  1. “Living wage” is a rather abstract idea. They need a catchy phrase to capture the essence of their “living wage” idea, something like:

    “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”

    1. They keep prattling over and over and over that if they stopped handing out welfare to the jobless that the economy would collapse and jobs would be lost….

      Every single one of those fargin iceholes fall for the Broken Window Fallacy.

      That dollar they take from the working middle class to give to the non working would still be spent – WITHOUT the Federal Vig being taken out first.

      1. Kensian Economics is the Broken Window Fallacy writ large. The ideas that wars or natural disasters are good for the economy are the Broken Window Fallacy writ large. They never account for the fact that the money has to be taken from the economy or borrowed before it can be distributed – classic “seen verses unseen.”

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