Home Schooling Is Not For Everyone

…and neither is public schooling:

…unlike those who wish to suppress homeschooling, homeschool parents are rarely if ever heard demanding that the government pass a law demanding that every other family in the country do things the way they do. Unlike our German friends, homeschool parents do not wish to seize custody of other people’s children simply because they prefer a different model of education. The irony here is that more than a few of our public schools are so dangerous and dysfunctional that sending one’s children there really ought to be considered an act of neglect, if not for the fact that those poor parents have practically no choice in the matter.

It’s not about education. It’s about control.

One thought on “Home Schooling Is Not For Everyone”

  1. The “socialization” thing has always bothered me especially as a primary argument. There are few real world environments like a school – perhaps military life or prison. As a result, I doubt you need 18 years of such socialization unless say, you plan on staying behind bars for a few decades.

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