MSNBC And The Bigotry Of The Left

“They’re totalitarians, not hypocrites.”

[Update a while later]

Matt Welch has more thoughts:

There is nothing tolerant about assuming that those who have different ideas than you about the size and scope of government are motivated largely by base ethnic tribalism. MSNBC, on whose shows I have happily participated, engages daily in the othering business, of making conservatism itself (and sometimes libertarianism, and other non-Progressive ideological strains) a disreputable condition, explicable in terms of pathology. That this is done in the name of tolerance and sensitivity to punitive stereotypes is one of the ironies of our age.

I think you have to have your sense of irony excised at an early age to be a leftist.

4 thoughts on “MSNBC And The Bigotry Of The Left”

  1. They need to dehumanize and otherize their opposition so that when the IRS, DOJ, and other government agencies are used as weapons their base will says, “Good, they deserve it.” For some people, that is an admittedly low bar.

  2. It really comes back to the idea (that I completely support) that liberals/progressives see conservatives (and really, anyone who doesn’t agree with their way of thinking) as evil.

    All of the ‘tolerance’ that they preach is only directed at those items whose tolerance has been approved and sanctioned by the progressives.

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