46 thoughts on “Repeal And Replace Barack Obama?”

  1. Well thought out! Excellent to end it with a proposed question. Now the thing is, is there any GOP’er in DC with the backbone to even place the question…

  2. Great article. The media would have a field day with accusations of racism against the GOP should impeachment talks even start gaining steam. Any discussion of competency or character is totally trumped by the race card.

    As things stand right now, in that scenario where both Obama and Biden are impeached, I am certainly not thrilled at ALL by a Boehner presidency given his recent support of the currently proposed immigration reform. One can hope that the elections of 2014 could sweep in large numbers of GOP that are beholden more to their constituents than corporate dollars, but in reality I don’t think the attention span of the average voter will swing that strongly towards more conservative representation, nor do I think the conservative voting bloc can maintain sufficient discipline to vote in sufficiently large numbers. If that does happen, then the next step in the right direction would be to put in a different Speaker. After Pelosi and Boehner, surely that direction can only be up.

    Yeah, I have really lost a lot of faith in our current governance.

      1. And if Boehner does immigration in anywhere near the form proposed, kiss any hope of Republicans winning the Senate goodbye. They might even lose the House. Why? Because a hell of a lot of Republicans will stay home – perfidy and corruption of that magnitude has consequences.

        1. Not to mention the small fact that Speaker Boner will have made between 10-20 million new Democratic voters (since, every time the GOP signs off on an amnesty, the newly-minted citizens vote 70-90% Democrat); which means most of the purple districts and states will turn blue. Even if the much-betrayed Republican base turned out to hold their noses and vote for their betrayers yet again, it wouldn’t matter… which is something y’all should maybe mention to your state republican delegation.

          1. “Not to mention the small fact that Speaker Boner will have made between 10-20 million new Democratic voters…”

            Letting the current illegals become voting citizens will be a Double Bonus for the Dems: Increased popular D votes in Local/State/US House/US Senate races, AND increased population in CA, TX, FL, CO, AZ, and NV for Electoral Votes! Starting in 2024 (after the 2020 Census), the D’s could have a lock on POTUS forever. As always, the D’s are playing the long game.

            That’s an aspect the Dumb GOP Establishment Clowns need to think very hard about before any amnesty. I do not believe the Supreme Court, even today’s Court, would rule that citizenship without the ability to vote is Constitutional. The Dems know that, and will happily sign-on to any law establishing a non-voting citizenship classification for current illegal aliens. Challenges will be filed in Federal Courts by the ACLU and other orgs the same day POTUS signs a non-voting citizenship amnesty law.

          2. I suspect he meant unconstitutional. I also have to say “citizenship without the right to vote” would be the dumbest thing for any party to pass. That’s proclaiming we should have two levels of citizenship within the US. People can claim that is the case de facto, but making it de jure is bad policy for any country.

        2. That would be me. I’ve had a completed voter registration form changing R to I sitting on my desk for a few months since it became clear the R’s were going to shove amnesty down our throats. Too bad the leadership is too stupid to realize that all the Chamber of Commerce money in the world won’t help them this fall if the base gives them the finger and stays at home this November, or just quits the party altogether.

          It’s not called the Stupid Party for nothing, y’know.

      1. “”If the Republicans were to run on a platform of repealing and replacing not just ObamaCare, but Obama himself and anyone who supports his policies, would you be more or less likely to vote for them?””

        In 2012, you were certain, the answer would be Romney. You sure didn’t like the 2012 answer.
        Nothing has dramatically changed since then.

        1. Except for Obamacare, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and all the subsequent polling data that shows that if voters had known that Obama was a lying liar, they would not have voted for him.

          1. The average american thinks Ben Gazi is that guy who works in the 7-11.

            The average american can’t find Libya, Egypt or Syria on a map.

            Even Fox News can’t find Egypt on a map.

            And Obamacare is up and running and the sky’s haven’t opened pouring death on the citizenry. People aren’t thrilled about Obamacare but, then again Mitch McConnel is running on how he provided Healthcare to thousands of
            Kentuckians http://youtu.be/Lw9kW8Nw-eM

            So you will see McConnel trying to do the limbo on why MitchCare isn’t Obamacare but it’s like RomneyCare except when it’s signed in by a democratic president,,,

            But, hey, I personally think the GOP should run on an Impeachment/Obamacare agenda. In fact the GOP should tie the Debt Ceiling to an Impeachment bill. If you have leverage, don’t be afraid to use it and any republican who doesn’t vote on it should be primaried.

        2. Nothing has dramatically changed since then.


          Given that all the polls say that Romney would win if the election were rerun today, once again, you demonstrate yourself to be a total moron.

          1. Were those the same polls that said Romney was going to
            win in 2012? Were those the polls that told Karl Rove that
            Romney was going to take Ohio?

    1. “At least you are asking the right question. You won’t like the answer.”

      1) What is the question Rand is asking?

      2) What do you think the answer is?

        1. That’s a rather ironic statement. If you won’t engage with reality on any level, we can’t help you, either. Perhaps you could develop a useful skill or occupy a niche?

          My yellow cat meows at me for canned food and I almost invariably give in, and if you could learn to meow I’d probably feed you too. I’ve had lots of pets over the years, and you’d fill the hole in my heart that Turbo the turtle left, even if you aren’t quite as good at math.

          I can’t say if the orange kitty and black kitty would get along with you though, since with cats nothing is certain. I also couldn’t say if yellow kitty can lick clean an M-1 Garand with absolute safety (though she dutifully tries), so who knows if she’ll shoot any of us accidentally? Those things happen, and by the way, my gun cleaning secret is a mix of Fancy Feast Tuna Treasures, Little Friskies Ocean Whitefish and Tuna Pate, Hoppes Bench Rest #9, and Flitz. She loves the hint of banana in the Hoppes, and like most predators is a bit freakish about cleaning weapons, including her butt, even though its output violates several international conventions. I blame it on her genetics.

        2. “If you don’t bother reading Rand’s link, I can’t help you there.”

          I asked you what Rand’s question was because I wanted to know what *YOU* thought the question was. I know what Rand’s question is.

          And then I wanted to know what *YOU* thought the answer to the question is. Because I can’t read your mind.

          It’s easy for people to lob grenades into conversations without expressing their own opinion.

          But I also wanted to see if you would make a definitive statement about what you think. Put your thoughts on the line. Instead of just posting content free statements like you always do.

          I see you still refuse to express your thoughts or any actual content.

          1. ” I wanted to know what *YOU* thought the question was”

            Let’s face it. DN-Guy is a great example of what Dewey’s Educational-Industrial Complex produces. He’s great at regurgitating his Progressive indoctrination and catechism, and shouting slogans in a crowd, and tossing out pre-approved snarky one-liners, but given the opportunity to show he can do more than that, that there’s a mind in there, he always passes up the opportunity. If it’s not in the script, he’s just lost and useless and an embarrassment to his side.

            Sad, really.

          2. Raoul writes:

            ” If it’s not in the script, he’s just lost and useless and an embarrassment to his side. ”

            Precisely. Except that his side is never embarrassed because to be embarrassed you have to first admit you are wrong.

            The left never does that. They are always right. Just ask them – they’ll tell you any time.

            More to the point:

            The fastest way to show that someone has nothing to back up a statement – especially a statement which is nothing more than a regurgitation of the party line, is to ask them to explain it.

            The two questions: How? Why? Are devastating to the left because there’s nothing behind what they say.

            What you get from lefties, when they are pressed to explain themselves, is either angry name calling, or more party lines.

          3. I know what Rand’s question was, I actually read his rather silly article, but,
            that’s okay.

            I think the GOP should run on a impeachment platform and if the GOP had any stones they’d pass an impeachment bill and tie it to the debt ceiling and demand the Senate vote for it in return for a debt bill

          4. “I know what Rand’s question was, I actually read his rather silly article, but,
            that’s okay. ”

            Actually you have not proven that you know what Rand’s question is.

            All you’ve done is to avoid answering the question. Thusly proving you are utterly clueless.

  3. When the MSM and the Socialists determine that Obama can no longer help them, they will no longer provide cover for him.

    They might arrive at that decision if the November election is an utter disaster for the Democrats.

    If they no longer provide cover for Obama, then Obama will get the scrutiny he has always deserved.

  4. There is, in fact, a constitutional provision to remove a president by the will of the people. It is called impeachment.

    Article II, Section 4.

    “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

    …but not the will of the people.

    1. Really, Jim, are you serious?

      Do you not think that such an act would, ultimately, have resulted from the will of the people?

      That Clinton was not removed was certainly such. Sadly, for the Republic.

      1. Really, Jim, are you serious?

        I am.

        Do you not think that such an act would, ultimately, have resulted from the will of the people?

        Now I must ask if you’re serious. In this country we fine, imprison, and execute people for various offenses and ultimately it is because of the will of the people. But I don’t think it follows that the will of the people is sufficient to fine, imprison, or execute someone.

        That Clinton was not removed was certainly such. Sadly, for the Republic.

        Certainly it can be argued that at many points in our history some failed in their constitutional duties. It would be sadder still for the Republic if we used that as an excuse to ignore our own.

        1. Now I must ask if you’re serious. In this country we fine, imprison, and execute people for various offenses and ultimately it is because of the will of the people. But I don’t think it follows that the will of the people is sufficient to fine, imprison, or execute someone.

          Well, that’s sort of an interesting non sequitur. I guess.

          If the people vote in other people based on their promise to do something, and then they do that thing, most people would think that the people had spoken. You are obviously free to differ.

    2. …but not the will of the people

      Jim, doesn’t it hurt your back to always be twisting yourself into a pretzel?

      You’re saying ‘will of the people’ is not a factor because it’s not specifically mentioned… as if that changes that which is self evident.

      Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors

      Almost pure fluff. The vote to impeach is what matters and you know that Jim. Why play dumb?

  5. There are other faster and more effective ways to remove a sitting President, such as having someone in the Secret Service steal his passport while he’s on a foreign trip. Then we all pretend not to know who he is, and he can’t get back in because nobody will vouch for him. He’ll be stranded in some airport, eating donuts with Edward Snowden. Removing Biden will be more difficult because TSA has obviously developed procedures to deal with his dozens of lost passports and the fact that nobody claims to know who he is, and he can’t remember any contact numbers.

    1. Biden could always appeal to the rules on livestock and be in after a simple quarantine period. All he’d have to prove is that he’s of equal intelligence to a cow or sheep, and let’s face it… that won’t be hard.

      Think of the people who thought he’d make a great veep… my, must they be embarassed by themselves.

      1. “Think of the people who thought he’d make a great veep… my, must they be embarassed by themselves.”

        Think of the people who thought he’d make a great President during the primaries, and voted for him!

        However I think lefties are beyond embarrassment. To be embarrassed about a position you first have to admit you are/were wrong. Lefties never do that. They think they are always right.

        1. To be embarrassed about a position you first have to admit you are/were wrong. Lefties never do that.

          As a Democrat I’ve got plenty to be embarrassed about. But I can be embarrassed by John Edwards and still be glad that he ran (if he hadn’t been in the race Obama and Clinton wouldn’t have had to counter his health care proposals, which led to Obamacare). I can be embarrassed by Ted Kennedy as a person and be grateful for the laws he passed. I can be embarrassed by the Obamacare rollout and still be glad we have the law. I can be embarrassed by a long list of Obama administration failings (inadequate attention to the unemployed and monetary policy, excessive attention to the deficit, drawing a red line with Syria, the “if you like it you can keep it” promise, intervening in Libya but botching the aftermath, the pointless Afghan surge, the drone war, NSA domestic surveillance, slowness accepting gay marriage and marijuana legalization, Orion/SLS, starting a gun control fight they couldn’t win, taking so long to make appointments) and at the same time be fairly sure that in each case (except gun control) McCain and/or Romney would have been significantly worse.

          I’m not particularly embarrassed by Joe Biden. Yes, he comes off as a clown, and I’m much happier having Obama in the Oval Office, but I also wish that Obama had listened to Biden more on Afghanistan. Getting the big policy decisions right matters more to me than the superficial stuff.

          1. Biden was declared off limits by Osama Bin Laden, because even he understand how much of a disaster Biden would be to the United States as President.

          2. Are you embarrassed that that the democrats have accumulated nearly 10 trillion in debt that my children will have to pay back?

          3. “As a Democrat I’ve got plenty to be embarrassed about.”

            There’s much more to be embarrassed about than you could possibly know….you’ve amply proven that.

      2. Well, Biden was on a podium with Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, Obama, Hillary, and John Edwards. His motto could’ve been “Retarded – not crazy, grumpy, commie, bitchy, or sleazy!”

        It often goes unremarked, but in the 2008 primaries Hillary got more of the popular vote than Obama did.

        1. re: “popular vote”

          Gotta give Chimpy McBushitler some credit over St.Hillary!. When the Progressives tried to steal his election, at least he fought back. And won. St.Hillary! just let herself be paid off and then used as a human shield.

          1. Yep. She let herself be hornswoggled out of the Texas primary and the Florida one; the least she could have done was to put up a good fight.

  6. No fan of Obama, but if a President were impeached every time he were caught in a lie no President would finish a term.

    Bob Clark

    1. No one has proposed that Obama, or any president, be impeached because he was “caught in a lie.” (Hint: that’s not why Bill Clinton was impeached, either).

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