The White House Directed The Benghazi Deception

Sharyl Atkisson’s take:

Obama administration officials have insisted they were acting on “the best intelligence available at the time” and that they clarified the story as they got more information.

But taken as a whole, the documents and testimony revealed since the attacks support the idea that the administration’s avoidance of the word “terrorism” was a strategy rather than an accident or mistake.

You don’t say.

12 thoughts on “The White House Directed The Benghazi Deception”

  1. Of course the WH directed the Benghazi Deception….

    …it’s obvious to even the most casual of observers.

    Obama will skate, for the reasons Glenn Reynolds outlined. It’s the rest of the conspirators I care about…Hillary, Rice, Plouffe, Carney…. I hope their political lives rot.

  2. Most American’s think Ben Ghazi starred in a bunch of action films.

    If this is about having an issue for 2016, there are far better ones to attack Secretary Clinton on.
    However, most Republicans aren’t able to do that.

  3. Dn-guy tries to be funny. oh well.

    Actually Clinton is very vulnerable:

    Liar (The Lioness of Tusla, Benghazi video)
    Her attempt at Health Care – pretty clear how that would have turned out…same as Obama’s
    No one can list one single accomplishment of her tenure as Sec. of State (except getting people killed).

    No accomplishment as Senator.

    That’s just for starters.

    She should have stayed home and baked cookies – she would have gotten a lot more accomplished.

    And people wouldn’t have had to die.

  4. ” Press Secretary Jay Carney repeatedly tried to claim that the so-called “prep call” with Rice — as it was described in one email — was not about Benghazi. The prep session, he said, was just about the demonstrations elsewhere in the Muslim world that week. “It is not about Benghazi — it is about the protests around the Muslim world,””

    Yeah right Jay…only the Jims, Gerrib’s and DN’s of the world believe you.

    The rest of us have brains and know how to use them.

  5. Actually, Taranto says it much better than I ever could:

    “Carney squirmed painfully, and claimed that the email wasn’t produced because it isn’t about Benghazi, but rather about conditions in the Arab world generally. . . .

    Carney’s answer is ridiculous. Of course the email bears more broadly on conditions across the Middle East, but it relates most specifically to Benghazi. Why was Susan Rice appearing on every Sunday morning talk show? Because four Americans were killed in Benghazi. Why was the administration’s top political team gathering to prepare her for those appearances? Because four Americans were killed in Benghazi. Why does the email begin with the stated goal of conveying that the Obama administration is doing everything it can to protect its people abroad? Because four Americans were killed in Benghazi. Why is the group talking about “bringing people who harm Americans to justice”? The only place where Americans were harmed was Benghazi. Obviously, the email relates to Benghazi. And equally obviously, its reference to “underscor[ing] that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy” was intended to deflect blame for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. . ”

    It is only the sychophantic, kool-aid gulping, administration bum-kissers who are deeply in love with Obama and Clinton (H) that cannot see this.

  6. Why should we listen to a lady who was forced to quit her job because her Democrat bosses wouldn’t let her report anything negative about Obama?

    1. You mean the president of CBS, whose brother is a high muckety-muck in the White House communications office, the very same guy who wrote the memo blaming Benghazi on a video? That Democrat boss?

  7. I don’t think Hillary is much of a threat anyway. Attorney, wife of a two-term President, U.S. Senator, and Presidential candidate — and she wound up just being a secretary.

    1. Wow, that makes me wonder if it will now be sexist to refer to here as the Secretary of State.

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