6 thoughts on “May Day”

  1. Communists may have exploited May Day, but the tradition of honoring workers wasn’t their invention.

  2. Expect posting to be light here today, with Baghdad Jim, dn-guy and possibly Admiral Gerrib (marching with “Christians for Economic Justice’ or some similarly bubbleheaded group) out celebrating their favorite holiday.

  3. If you read the comments on the Victims of Communism Day, note the number of dn-guy types who are trying to derail the conversation and distract attention from communism’s bloodiness by bringing up antebellum Southern slavery. As if one form of It’s like dn-guy yelling “BUSSHH!” or something similar whenever anyone here points out some “liberal” (and by “liberal” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-fellation”) idiocy and its deleterious consequences.

  4. Meanwhile, anarchists in Seattle celebrated by marching through the streets, threatening “yuppies” and beating up local superheroes.

    Yes, Seattle has an active community of “superheroes” who dress in costumes and roam the downtown area fighting crime, pepper-spraying random people who they consider to be acting suspiciously, and getting beaten by protestors and rescued by police. (Google “Phoenix Jones” for the most famous of these idiots.)

    The news media, predictably, is assuring everyone that the protest was “mostly peaceful” and there was no “major violence.” Setting garbage cans on fire, attacking cars, throwing rocks and bricks are just good, clean fun.

  5. Communist holiday? Phaw.

    May 1st is my birthday, which I celebrate similar to a 2nd Christmas (and I humbly suggest everyone else should as well 😉 ) where I receive gifts and do fun things, in a setting of spring time, fresh flowers and new life.
    I suggest the communists move their life-hating holiday to a season that is more appropriately bleak and cold and miserable. Like late December :D. Quit trying to appropriate the optimism, vibrancy, and love of life from the Celebration of My Birth, for your own pathetic holiday. Its incongruous.

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