One thought on “Launching A Space Start Up”

  1. A great article. I believe he’s hit the nail on the head: Moore’s Law is a huge game changer for a business plan that closes.

    30 years ago Arkyd-like probes weren’t doable, now they’re plausible. P.R. hopes to roboicly mine asteroids. It’s interesting that Google has bought many of the winners in the recent DARPA robotics competition. Some of P.R.’s most prominent backers are Google execs.

    I recall in the old space groups Monte Davis was a vocal naysayer against commercial space. He’d correctly point out humans and their life support weren’t amenable to miniaturization. Neither was the propellant to send humans and their life support to space. Then Davis would incorrectly conclude that space enterprise couldn’t enjoy the dramatic improvements seen in electronics.

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