Rerunning 1998?

I think there’s a flaw in Mickey’s theory:

I’m not suggesting the White House is intentionally provoking Republicans over Benghazi, the better to produce counterproductive overreach. OK, sorry. I’m totally suggesting the White House is intentionally provoking Republicans over Benghazi. It’s not like this is something the White House hasn’t been accused of before. Remember the “birther” controversy, where Obama delayed releasing his birth certificate for years as the conservative fringe wound themselves up in greater and greater knots of paranoia? ’Look, what a bunch of crazies” was Obamas implicit message then. That may be his message again. Sure beats “The debate is over.”

The problem is that (as we were told ad infinitum by Democrat partisans), the Clinton scandal was “just about sex.” Here the lies (and continued stonewalling) are about four dead Americans, killed by administration ineptitude.

4 thoughts on “Rerunning 1998?”

  1. That’s highly implausible, given that there’s no dismissing any bad acts in this situation.

  2. Yep, nobody died when slick willy lied and the economy was in a strong boom period. Apples and Oranges to today.

    1. The stock market is doing well. I wonder if a President Hillary will continue printing money and giving it away to her banker donors?

  3. I actually do agree a bit with Mickey on this. Benghazi is not something that I suspect will lead to impeachment, so I wouldn’t start suggesting it as a possibility. I think progressives made the same mistake with La Affair Plame. Benghazi is worse than Plame and Lewinsky, but its incompetence more so than a crime. I still think someone should go to jail for intentionally suggesting the talking points requested by Congress should mislead Congress, but I don’t think that someone went as high as Obama or even Hillary. It wouldn’t have too. There were plenty of flaks available that would want to hide their incompetence with lies without having to get permission from their boss. Obama and Hillary may have figured out that a cover-up was occurring, but letting it happen isn’t the same as requesting it. Letting it happen wouldn’t fly in the business world, but this is politics. The investigation should focus on the bureaucrats and not start shooting for the top.

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