5 thoughts on “Space Hotels”

  1. As soon as someone provides BA with the spacelift they need. Hopefully SpaceX if they are ever able to free themselves from the ISS tar baby.

  2. Thomas, I think you are mostly right about ISS delaying crew Dragon but that it doesn’t stop them from moving forward with internal development (so they could actually unveil it anytime they like and this month may be it.)

    I don’t see Bigelow habitats on the martian surface. The mass for habitats is already there. I also think once Bigelow has show feasibility in space competition will happen faster than other areas of competition.

    Early habitats on mars will probably need products from earth to seal them. That’s not something you want to experiment with live until you have secure backups.

  3. Ken,

    No and the technology to land such large structures on Mars doesn’t exist if you wanted to.

    But you will probably see versions of them converted into Martian transit vehicles, unless of course you are fine with being cooped up in a Dragon for a year or so.

  4. It was good to read that part about long-term testing of an environmental control system. They’re apparently farther along on that than a lot of people seem to give them credit for.

    As for Dragon vs. BA hab for going to Mars.

    Dragon: seven people in couches, no bathroom facilities
    BA hab: multiple people able to move around at will, bathroom facilities

    Yeah, that’s a tough call alright.

    1. Dragon and Sundancer combined mass less than a single F9 could launch. Keep the upper stage and you’ve got most of what you need to go anywhere. Until the MCT comes along.

      Orion is a typical government program, both too big (mass) too small (volume) and ten times what it should cost.

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