The Climate-Change Fundamentalists

More thoughts on the extreme-green religion.

[Update a while later]

Saving the planet, lawsuit by lawsuit:

Aside from the idea that a cease-&-desist letter can be copyrighted anymore than a parking ticket or a receipt from the gas station can, there are several other curious points the University makes. I’ve written to Ms Malloch seeking clarification, and will let you know as soon as I receive her response. Re the defamation threats, Brandon Shollenberger might like to know that my cracker-barrel legal team was the driving force behind “Rachel’s Law”, which ensures that no libel judgment from a jurisdiction that does not provide free-speech protections as strong as America’s will be recognized by courts here. But note yet again that, for all the complaints that “climate change denialists are suing scientists”, it is, in fact, the other way round. In Queensland as in the District of Columbia as in British Columbia, it’s the scientists who are suing.

Yes. Their “legal defense” funds are actually legal offense funds.

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