9 thoughts on “John Conyers”

  1. Don’t laugh too hard. A relatively unknown community organizer in an obscure neighborhood in Chicago did the same thing to propel himself into the Presidency.

    1. “Don’t laugh too hard. A relatively unknown community organizer in an obscure neighborhood in Chicago did the same thing to propel himself into the Presidency.”

      Got himself kicked off the ballot for not using registered voters to gather his signatures?

  2. it’s getting harder to make fun of Banana Republics. The rule of Law is getting to mean less and less as time goes on.

  3. Yep….we now live in a Banana Republic. It doesn’t matter if you did not compliy with the law, it only matters if you believed you were complying with the law:

    “After several legal challenges and examinations, Michigan’s secretary of state, Ruth Johnson, found Conyers to be ineligible on Friday, hours before the judge’s ruling.

    “There is evidence that their failure to comply with the Registration Statute was the result of good faith mistakes and that they believed they were in compliance with the statute,” Judge Matthew Leitman wrote in his ruling, according to the Detroit Free Press. “As Secretary Johnson implicitly acknowledged in her ruling issued today, if the signatures excluded pursuant to the Registration Statute may not be excluded from Mr. Conyers’ total — and this Court holds that they may not be — then Mr. Conyers has enough signatures to qualify for placement on the ballot.”

    “He shall be placed on the ballot,” he ruled. Conyers’s campaign had also challenged the constitutionality of the requirements for signature collectors; federal judges elsewhere have struck down such requirements.

    In 2012, Michigan Republican representative Thad McCotter was kept off of the ballot because of invalid signatures. McCotter initially pursued a write-in campaign, before eventually dropping the effort and resigning from Congress.”


    Rules are for little people. Try using that defense next time you are arrested.

  4. “1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

    Seems like this is really up to the states, but, the VRA and a few other bits of federal law wander in.
    I’d say Conyers has a real problem in that he’s conformed to this law for 30 some years and benefited
    from it, he now seeks to overturn this.

    Really, Conyers should do a write in campaign and win it that way.

    1. ““1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

      Like Obama you must be unaware that the law has to be officially changed FIRST, before the behavior becomes legal.

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