22 thoughts on “Dutch Courage”

    1. How about getting your facts straight? The last time I checked, General Stewart flew B-24s, not B-17s. Not that anyone here would expect you to know the difference.

      1. I thought stewart flew B-17s, but he had a lot more guts then “Dutch” who stayed in
        Hollywood for the duration.

        1. DN thinks of a lot of fantasies that are moronic.

          Reagan enlisted in the Army Reserves prior to WWII. He likely could only get the Reserves because of his nearsightedness that would later keep him from going overseas in combat. He ended WWII a Captain. Reagan would later go on to have General Stewart campaign for him as President. So if DN is appealing to authority by mentioning Stewart, that authority had no issues with Reagan’s service.

          1. Stewart had no issues with Reagan, but,
            I don’t think Reagan showed much courage either.

            If he really wanted to show some courage despite his bad vision,
            he could have signed up to the merchant marine.

            Run a half dozen cargo ships into Murmansk past the wolf packs,
            particularly in 1940 or 41?

          2. I’m comfortable that nobody has ever appealed to Deny Guy’s authority on any subject matter.

  1. Is this the same Dutch who sold 2000 missiles to our existential enemy, Iran, in return for hostages, and then gave the proceeds to death squad terrorists in Central America — all in defiance of direct congressional prohibitions?

      1. Rand you call it stupid, wouldn’t it more simply be called
        “Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy”?

    1. At this point, why does it matter? The current occupant of the White House likely has similar derogatory views of Reagan but it didn’t stop him from arming and training death squads all over Northern Africa and the Middle East.

      This is just another issue that Obama has ruined Democrat’s ability to argue about.

    2. Yeah, there was a time when Congressional Democrats cared about Presidents defying there will. Now we have Harry Reid. Seems like we need a change in Washington.

      1. Boehner could always impeach the President.

        I’d encourage that, the debate might be useful
        and the trial in the senate could bring Bergdahl to testify.

        1. Why impeach on Bergdahl? That’s going to bite the Democrats in the ass when those Taliban leaders kill more people. That’s spilt milk. Better to impeach on the IRS scandal. I may not be a fan of the Income Tax system, but when it becomes not just corrupt but a political machine, then that’s a recipe for destroying the US.

          1. Hey, As far as I’m concerned, instead of bitching the GOP
            would be better off impeaching.

            Issue a dozen counts and make the case.

            Make it the one issue of the 2014 election.

          2. As far as I’m concerned, instead of bitching the GOP would be better off impeaching.

            Thank you for the concern trolling from the moron. As though you want the GOP to be “better off.”

          3. Issue a dozen counts

            Name the counts. Go ahead. You think the GOP should do it, then you can explain what the dozen counts are.

          4. “Issue a dozen counts

            Name the counts. Go ahead. You think the GOP should do it, then you can explain what the dozen counts are.”

            1) Benghazi : Leadership failure resulting in the death of an Ambassador and 3 other americans

            2) IRS: Using the IRS to investigate extreme right wing republican groups

            3) Obamacare: Socializing america.

            4) Bergdahl: Trading an american for 5 Taliban.

            5) Fast and Furious: Leadership failures leading to the death of a DEA agent.

            6) Syria:

            7) Iran:

            8) Drone Strikes: Using a kill list to kill americans overseas.

            9) NSA: Warrantless wiretapping.

            10) Budget authority: Spending funds during the govt shutdown in violation of the budget impoundment act and anti-deficiency act.

            That’s 10, plenty to run a bill of impeachment….

      2. “Yeah, there was a time when Congressional Democrats cared about Presidents defying there will. ”

        And they will again – 15 seconds after a Republican is sworn in as President of the U.S.

  2. BTW, given the kind of heat sometimes generated in comments at this site, perhaps someone will someday find use for the prize phrase, ” you unctuous platitudinising eunuch!”

    It’s from the British comedy/drama “Doc Martin.”

    I’m just trying to provide more resources here. No particular connection to the subject of the above posts.

    I aim to serve…

    1. Doc Martin….fabulous show. And I just recently saw that episode that carried that phrase.

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