Space Water

Thirteen things to do with it:

Technically we don’t need water in space for drinking because we can recycle our pee. If you’re not really fond of that idea, then you must be very fond of space mining, because otherwise recycled pee is on the menu. It’s really not so bad to drink recycled pee. Here on Earth you do it all the time. It’s just not as easy on a tiny spaceship where the proximity of the recycling equipment forces you to remember where your beverage came from. And recycling on such a small scale as a spaceship is expensive and tricky. Giant spaceships like Earth are better at that stuff. Anyhow, without space mining, you’ll be drinking lots of pee. If on the other hand you have lots of water from mining in space, then your pee can be dumped overboard to make miniature yellow comets in orbit around the sun. Consider it a form of art. So it’s your choice: making space art, or drinking pee.

News you can use.

By the way, I’ve added Phil’s blog to the blogroll.

Also, related: Chris Lewicki talks about space-based propellants.

One thought on “Space Water”

  1. I’ve often thought that sending a rocket full of pee to the sun would be a money maker. Guys like to pee on fires, and our sun is the ultimate fire. Who wouldn’t pay ten grand for a t-shirt that says, “I peed on the sun.”

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