3 thoughts on “Tomatoes”

  1. I love tomatoes. I am in absolute dread that they will ‘improve’ them. They don’t need to be sweeter.

    BLT forever!

  2. A much more flavorful variety called Tasti-Lee is already hitting some stores (Whole Foods and Publix). It was developed at the University of Florida, and there’s an interesting article about its development, along with other lines of tomato research. I think we’ll soon be able to genetically engineer giant, intelligent, killer tomatoes. 🙂

  3. A much more flavorful variety called Tasti-Lee is already hitting some stores (Whole Foods and Publix). It was developed at the University of Florida, and there’s an interesting article about its development, along with other lines of tomato research. I think we’ll soon be able to genetically engineer giant, intelligent, killer tomatoes. 🙂

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