6 thoughts on “Likely Voters And Congress”

  1. Did they just coin the term low-interest voters just so they can show the Democrats lead in some demographic? For practical purposes, what is a low-interest voter? Is this just someone who wouldn’t pull out a drivers license for voter ID and thus won’t take the time to vote unless driven to the poll by a Democrat GOTV van, a fiver, and a promise of coffee and donut or a slice of pizza?

      1. Unfortunately, Obama team was really really good at getting low-interest voters to go to the polls. This was the most important reason that conservative predictions in 2012 were so pathetically wrong – they kept assuming that the lower-interest voters weren’t going to vote. That assumption had worked well in the past, but not this time. Those voters were contacted in Facebook and Twitter and everywhere, and there was a whole massive software effort to deal with them and find ways to help them to the polls. I don’t know if Romney’s GOTV was as awful as people think, or if was normal for a first campaign – but compared to Obama’s it looked awful in comparison.

  2. Is it low interest in voting or low interest in knowing what you are voting on? I think the two are pretty similar…

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