16 thoughts on “Young People And Porn”

  1. A form of Darwin’s law. Children without parents who protect their innocence until they are indoctrinated to be in control of their sexual urges will be less likely to have their own children. So in order to keep the political-economic ponzi schemes from collapsing it will be necessary to employ open borders to pro-reproductive cultures. Perhaps the future of the west is as an Islamic colony.

  2. Saw this somewhere years ago. Like back in the early nineties.

    Advice for a woman who is being pressured to try anal. Buy a strap-on and tell your SO that he gets to go first. The downside is that he might like it and then you’re committed. But, unless he’s been swinging that way for a while, that first time will be painful enough that he won’t ask again.

    1. Well, a non-trivial number of women do enjoy anal, but only with a partner who knows what he or she is doing. You’re not going to learn the proper technique from porn.

  3. The implications described in the article find surprising consensus on the need to avoid porn. The man hating racical feminists hate if for its portrayal of women, and possibly their opposition against anything a male would enjoy. Many Christians, mensrights activists, & PUA sites discourage it because it distracts and disables a mans ability to get the skills needed to successfully “negotiate” the human interactions needed to get consensual sex.

    Interestingly, when I read comments from many who defend their porn use, a common theme is there are too many fat, ugly, undesirable radical feminist women with corrupted, entitled, & unpleasant personalities, and they don’t want to ( or are unable ) develop the skills to get sex from the women they find desirable. This issue is a circle jerk of civilization destroying proportions.

    Gender relationship in western nations, as well as some Asian nations, has devolved into a type of arms race. The poor Joe’s & Schmo’s in the middle & lower end of dating pool are going to live relatively sexless lives. Porn is all they are going to ever get. This will will all be temporarily solved with the first sexbots. Then, as stated previously, islamic & Mormon colonization. Welcome to FUTURAMA.

    If only someone could come up with a compromise system that financially, socially, spiritually, & legally rewards and incentivizes both the man and the woman to form a lasting union. Why hasn’t anyone done that? oh wait….

  4. There is another side to this coin though. A significant number of women have a lot of strange issues with sex, their heads are filled with stories and worries and all sorts of nonsense before they even try it, so they go into relationships with a laundry list of hang-ups, “won’t do’s”, and reasons to refuse even pretty normal stuff. Anyone with even a few partners is certain to have had one who will point blank REFUSE to have sex with the lights on. Or refuse to have sex anywhere but on a bed, in their own bedroom. Women pressure other women to not be sluts, or easy, or whatever but the effect on those prone to be effected is a fear of meeting disapproval for virtually anything they could do. And this is in women I grew up with in the pre-porn generation.

  5. Ironically, the things she “discovered” through “radical feminism” are part of what used to be called traditional values. There’s still a significant minority of men who hold such views, even among the younger generation. It’s not hard to find them, in large numbers (especially on a Sunday morning). No self-respecting radical feminist would associate with such “traditional” people, of course. So, she’s looking for a cat that barks: someone who is non-traditional *except* in one specific area.

    1. Good observation Ed, the feminists are coming full circle to a view that has overlap with traditional values. However I don’t think that overlap has any common motivating factors. The feminists only do what they believe will give more/exclusive power to women. Porn was useful and encouraged by them when it was a weapon to destroy existing values ( i.e the “patriarchy”) but when it hurts them in some perceived way, their position rapidly changes. They have no moral center, only opportunism is at play.

      In true feminist fashion, the author in the link also blames men for women’s victimization, and calls on men to fix this problem for women.

      “this is just what men are like, “why should we care?”, you’re perpetuating this. An entire generation of women have suffered because of porn, and we will all continue to suffer unless men change.”

      It was not “the man” led patriarchy who pushed porn into its place today, and yet it befalls men to fix this problem for the benefit of women, even though it affects & hurts men just as it does women. Typical feminism. Men must change to benefit women. Never have I heard a feminists suggest any changes that women should make to benefit men. Why?

      What is the best descriptive analogy of men/women sexual dynamics in society? A good one I have heard is that women are the container of the sexual realm, men are the liquid that fills it. The sexuality of men will adapt to the shape of the prevailing female paradigm for its expression. Where lies the blame if this is accurate?

    1. Are you suggesting any M/F society centered around female interests is doomed to never create a spacefaring civilization? 🙂

      And Earth’s epitath read:
      “While doing everything for the children, they ultimately did in all the earths children”

      1. Stan,

        Take away line from Don Kingsbury’s novel “The Moon Goddess and the Son” – “the Democrats would feed the seed corn to the hungry children”.
        My wife says this sorted out US politics for her (we’re in Australia).

  6. There is porn and then there is porn. I have absolutely no interest in performing anal, making someone I like gag, or facials (there are far better places!). And I don’t want to watch it either. The majority of stuff now does show such things, but it’s not THAT difficult to find something else.

    What the author fails to mention is that a large proportion of youngish women now (under 35 say) like porn, and some of them share with me what they like. It’s very often a lot harder and more violent/degrading than what I like. Domination. Humiliation. Rape fantasies.

    It is NOT what they want in real life!

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