The Left’s New Rules

They may come to regret them:

The revolt has begun, peacefully. In 2010, and again in 2014, the Silent Majority returned and sent an unmistakable message to the liberal elite. When Bill Clinton got that message in 1994, he recognized that opposition and worked with it. But under Obama, the liberal elite acts to ignore and delegitimize the opposition. 2014 was not a tantrum; it was a warning, and the liberals are betting that they can bluff and bluster their way through it.

When you block all normal means of dissent, whether by ignoring the political will of you opponents or using the media to mock and abuse them, you build up the pressure. In 30+ years as an active conservative, I’ve never heard people so angry, so frustrated, so fed up. These emotions are supposed to be dissipated by normal political processes. But liberals are bottling them up. And they will blow. It’s only a matter of how.

Liberals need to understand the reality that rarely penetrates their bubble. Non-liberal Americans (it’s more than just conservatives who are under the liberal establishment’s heel) are the majority of this country. They hold power in many states and regions in unprecedented majorities. And these attacks focus on what they hold dearest – their religion, their families and their freedom.

What is the end game, liberals? Do you expect these people you despise to just take it? Do you think they’ll just shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, I guess we better comply?” Do you even know any real Americans? Do you think you’ll somehow be able to force them into obedience – for what is government power but force – after someone finally says “Enough?”

I think they do think that. At its heart, this is why they want to disarm us, and why we will continue to resist.

19 thoughts on “The Left’s New Rules”

    1. Really? 2012 was a huge Democrat machine turnout election based on Obama, based on multiple lies (ObamaCare, Benghazi, Obama saved the auto industry, etc.) 2014 was a referendum on those tactics and lies. 2016 will be another like that.

      Not a serious question, because you aren’t a serious person, but do you have no shame?

        1. Actually, it looks like the ones you lose don’t count. What are you going to do next bring up an election from the 1960’s and say it gives Obama a mandate today?

    2. What’s 2012? Doesn’t matter because it came before 2014. Might as well be talking about 2004 like it means something now.

    3. I do think that Obama’s cynical campaign of negative ads kept many voters away from the ballot box. As long as they got their machine out, it didn’t matter that the average citizen threw up their hands and said “they both suck!”, which was their goal.

  1. Liberals, Progressives and Socialists expect the “Tea Party”, Right Wing, Conservative types to go into violent revolt.

    I have close relatives who make Al Gore look like a Tea Party member. Open Revolt, with guns and bombs is exactly what they expect and what they want. Recent attacks on the pizza place are an example of their relentless efforts to get the Radical Right Wing Conspiracy to go violent.

    The are “projecting” of course. Once the Right Wing Revolt begins then the Socialist Counter-Revolution can begin.

    1. Talk about Underpaints Gnome thinking.

      “Hey Comrades, I have a brilliant idea! Lets fight the right on terms it excels at and we suck at! Lets challenge them martially!”

  2. There is, I think, a method to the Madness. The Left does best when the Right leaves the Republicans to tilt at the windmills, once again. The Bull Moose Party gave us Wilson, the Reform Party gave us Pedobear, the “Tea Party” gave us Obama, and if the Left can get the Right spun up enough, they will get Hillary!…….

    1. the “Tea Party” gave us Obama

      Looks more to me like the Republican establishment gave us Romney. And the Republican party could always stop playing games and embrace the Tea Party.

      1. Bingo. Obama won because the Republicans refused to put forward a candidate their supporters could vote for.

        If they want to actually win, they need to start nominating candidates who offer something the Democrats don’t.

        1. Ed,

          You have a problem, then, with the Republican Establishment who gave us McCain, Romney and now wants to give us Jeb.
          They are not conservatives; they control the party (though that control is beginning to slip the tiniest bit), and they have huge money.

          The GOP Establishment (as opposed to Conservatives) like Big Government….it’s just that they want to control Big Gov instead of the Dems.

      2. “Looks more to me like the Republican establishment gave us Romney. ”

        That was a large part of it. But not all of it.

        They gave us Romney and….
        Romney didn’t have the stomach for a down and dirty fight. When Candy Crowley threw away all credibility as a fair moderator, Willard should have called her out….

        When Obama joked that the 80’s were calling for their foreign policy Willard could have crushed him. But he was unprepared for that and did not.

        There are endless examples of where Romney could have punched back twice as hard but didn’t.

        So we were given Romney…….
        And Romney wasn’t ready for a down and dirty fight………..

        ..and through wholly unconstitutional means, Obama delayed several events called out in the Obamacare LAW until after the election…..there are several examples of this……

        So we were given Romney…….
        And Romney wasn’t ready for a down and dirty fight………..
        And Obama broke the law to delay the pain of his, Pelosi’s, Reid’s, Schumer’s and the rest of the Dems uttery stupidity……………

        And then there was all the slow walking, stalling, stonewalling of several huge scandals in the Obama administration any one of which – were it investigated aggressively and impartially – would have seen the downfall of the administration……

        So there are a lot of reasons Romney lost.

        Even so, Romney could have won and won handily if he was willing to fight But he’s too nice for that. Loser.

        1. Indeed. Romney just gave up after Crowley f’d up. Hell, even she admitted later she got the facts wrong because Obama never did call Benghazi a terrorist act in the Rose Garden, if you did as Obama asked and read the transcript (or CBS released their interview of Obama on the day of the Rose Garden speech when he admitted he avoided calling Benghazi a terrorist act). The second debate was a turning point for his supporters. It became clear from that event that Romney wouldn’t fight for honesty and integrity.

          The people who are walking away from the GOP today, because Boehner and McConnell have decided to ditch their campaign promises; walked away from Romney anticipating he would do the same as Bush and the 2000-2006 Congress in ignoring fiscal responsibility and rolling over on government reforms. Romney just made it too obvious during the campaign, while Boehner and McConnell held the mask in place throughout the election. The backlash against Obama’s go it alone and screw it up strategy also helped the GOP in 2014. If Boehner is still anticipated to be speaker in 2017, it will take a very charismatic person at the top of the GOP ballot to carry the day.

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