Campus Rape

Some thoughts on the increasingly insane environment on college campuses, and witch hunts in the media.

[Update a few minutes later]


To lie about rape is to enable evil. There is no polite way around that fact. It’s not the job of survivors to package rape into a neat media package for liberals and conservatives to eviscerate each other with.

The terror clings to you. Facing it, reporting it, enduring the medical exams and procedures, and following the judicial process is unimaginably difficult. What Rolling Stone did was provide an assist to perpetrators, robbing survivors of credibility. It’s unconscionable. It degrades our shared existence as Americans.

They don’t care.

One thought on “Campus Rape”

  1. Also, see Richard Bradley’s comments regarding the CJR report on the Rolling Stone “A Rape On Campus” hit piece:

    Bradley is the person who initially raised the flag on the RS fabrication, which (after some publicity raising from Steve Sailer) led to the hard hitting T. Rees Shapiro pieces at WaPo. Note that the Gray Lady continues to downplay this as much as possible; Sailer’s blog is the best chronicle I’ve found of the whole thing ( with, shall we say, one of the more wide-ranging commentariats around).

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