Voters For Hillary Calling

Well, they have to learn about the scandals somehow.

Speaking of which, Jon Gabriel breaks down the NYT story on the corrupt uranium deal. And, of course, Clinton campaign staffers get caught lying to a NYT reporter.

Is this really the best the Democrats can do?

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 fraud.

[Update a while later]

Hillary Clinton: Dead candidate walking?

[Update a few more minutes later]

Everything you need to know about the latest Clinton scandals.

4 thoughts on “Voters For Hillary Calling”

  1. Here’s hoping Hill does get the nomination. If anyone with even a marginal record of success gets it the MSM will put them over the finish line. Hill is so damaged and weak even the Republicans have a chance of winning. One reason I’m not happy with all the attacks on Hill at this stage of the game.

    1. So true. And it would be really nice to watch Democrats keep throwing more and more money into her campaign.

      But this could be a really bad thing.

      It’s worth remembering that Bill Clinton got into the 1992 campaign when rival Democrats thought George H.W. Bush was unbeatable. Her departure could leave the way clear for another sleazy politician who couldn’t get elected in a normal cycle.

  2. Oh, come one, there’s nothing here. Eyewitness testimony, documents, photographic evidence, blood samples, DNA…it’s flimsy, it’ll never hold up in a court of law. That’s why Loretta Lynch should never bother to even look into it. C’mon, Rand. You have to do better than this.

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