“This Is A War”

Pamela Geller defends herself against her critics:

So, why are some people blaming me? They’re saying: “Well, she provoked them! She got what she deserved!” They don’t remember, or care to remember, that as the jihadis were killing the Muhammad cartoonists in Paris, their friend and accomplice was murdering Jews in a nearby kosher supermarket. Were the Jews asking for it? Did they “bait” the jihadis? Were they “provoking” them?

Are the Jews responsible for the Nazis? Are the Christians in the Middle East responsible for being persecuted by Muslims?

Drawing Muhammad offends Islamic jihadists? So does being Jewish. How much accommodation of any kind should we give to murderous savagery? To kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.

This is a war.

It is, no matter how much people want to deny it.

15 thoughts on ““This Is A War””

  1. I have nothing but disgust for those that attack Pam, even just with words.

    This world is filled with evil. She is heroic and makes those against her look pathetic. They absolutely disgust me.

  2. How dare Trey Parker and Matt Stone write such an inflammatory musical called, The Book of Mormon. That’s hate speech.

    1. Exactly! I am a Mormon, and am egregiously offended by that play! I’ve decided that in retribution for that vile treachery, I am going to kill everyone descended from George Washington!

      TO THE DEATH! Or something!

  3. I’ve decided to take being told — as Hannity was — that someday I will be subject to Shari’a law, as a death threat.

    Because that’s exactly what it is.

  4. Here here.

    But so much of what the left supports and excuses eventually leads to violence.

  5. Regarding Pam Geller and the contest, I think she’s doing very, very important work. She’s also very brave. Thank you, Pam, for doing what needs doing.

    However, one minor quibble; I can’t help but note that, IMHO, the draw Muhammad event seemed to underplay (IMHO) something; that there are plenty of depictions of Mohammed in Islamic art from the past. In other words, the islamists who are so offended aren’t just barbaric fascists, but ignorant hypocritical pigs as well.

    1. …there are plenty of depictions of Mohammed in Islamic art from the past.

      I was not aware of this, do you have some links?

      1. This is a bit more complex than I said, but short version, yes, I can.

        Okay, firstly, I’m excluding images from Shia Islam, because they don’t share (not to the degree) that Sunni prohibition on images of Mohammed or other “messengers of God” (there’s no such prohibition in the Kora, either).

        So, images of Mohammed in Sunni Islam… hrmm, they seem hard to find, so the best I can do at short notice is this page,
        with is a collection that includes some Iranian depictions, but plenty of Sunni ones, including one from the 1920’s.

        I first became aware of this issue because, when I first heard about Muslims whining about images of Mohammed, I remembered seeing a mural with one in an old mosque in southern Spain, near Alhambra, when I was a kid.

        Oh, and for even more fun, let’s look at the so-called basis of the so-called prohibition on Mohammed images; the prohibition in the Koran against Aniconisim (Idol worship), interpreted by current Sunni creed as a prohibition of the depiction of sentient beings. ANY sentient beings, but particularly Mohammed, and the also, to a slightly lesser degree, any of the people considered to be secondary prophets in Islam. (Messengers of God).

        One of these, per the Koran, is called Isa Ibn Maryam. Belief that he was a messenger of God is a required part of Islam. And, along with that belief comes the fatwahs that any image of him is blasphemy.

        You’ve surely heard of Isa Ibn Maryam, but you probably don’t recognize the name. It’s because he’s known by another name outside of Islam: Jesus Christ.

        Yup, that means exactly what it looks like; these anti-Mohammed-depiction nutjobs also find any image of Jesus offensive, and thus those that create of display it are targets for Jihad. That’s part of why, during the first Gulf war, there was a kerfuffle over not only chaplains wearing a cross, but also any display of an image of Jesus.

        Remember, they don’t see any religion other than theirs as valid, so they feel they can demand others follow their beliefs.

        It’s issues like that ones above that I wish the “Draw Mohammed” organizers would include.

  6. I don’t know if this has been linked here before, but here is a magnificent rant by Ace of Spades the other day in defense of freedom of speech, and damning the cowardliness of the media and the intelligentsia:


    My only complaint is that he keeps misspelling her name. It’s Geller, not Gellar. Other than that, it deserves to go viral.

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