7 thoughts on “An El Nino”

  1. Time to save to disk all the stories about the California drought proving global warming/climate change.

    Next year, the narrative will be California mudslides prove climate change!

  2. Comments over there are pretty harsh. Might have to share this one as an example of computer models that shouldn’t be trusted.

  3. Besides which, AGW would imply energy being pumped into tropical waters and that would pump up the El Nino. So if you are anti-AGW you can say it is with in normal historical bounds, if you are pro-AGW you can say it is significantly out of bounds. Niether of which means anything if the modeled event doesn’t happen.

  4. Never trust an unvalidated computer model.

    Still, the state could use it. Plenty of room is the reservoirs.

  5. Joe Bastardi disagrees. Says waters off Australia are too warm. I’ll go with Joe. Also, I don’t like the idea of my favorite chardonnays going up in price….


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