Space Settlement

Rick Tumlinson says the concept is taking hold within the space community.

Meanwhile, the Center For American Progress is having a symposium on the past and future of human spaceflight. Interestingly, as Jeff Foust notes on Twitter, NASA isn’t involved. Interesting also that it’s sponsored by a lefty institution. I suspect that this topic may set off a civil war on that side of the spectrum.

2 thoughts on “Space Settlement”

  1. I will be going to the Center for American Progress event. I have been there before. It is an interesting place.

    I will write something up after the event.

  2. As far as planets are concerned, Ceres seems like a lot lower hanging fruit to me. Living on the surface of Mars is just plain delusional. All it has going for it are some vaguely similar orbital parameters, but the cons far outweigh the pros, even for SpaceX.

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