3 thoughts on “A New Private Launch Industry”

  1. Rand,

    This is interesting. I’ve never really worried about foreign governments competing in space–Chinese or Russians repeating unsustainable moon landings should only elicit a yawn. The worry has always been what would happen if some foreign country figured out that private sector space transportation was the future before our Congress got a clue? I’d be far more concerned about losing our edge if a foreign country really started removing the obstacles for RLV or depot development, or decided to get rid of its own launch vehicles, and act as a customer instead of a provider.


    1. So would I. That’s what I always tell people who tell me I should be worried about China. I’ll start worrying about China when they base their plans/hardware on Elon’s and Greason’s, rather than the Russians.

  2. Govt. as a customer provides the required level of funding while building commercial infrastructure. …and it only took more than half a century to figure this out? Hold on to your hats and watch out for wind burn.

    More diverse peoples involved also means it’s less likely we’ll miss something important.

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