The Power Of Instapundit

His link to the Kickstarter today (plus his generous contribution) put me almost a third of the way to the goal.

OK, well, not sure that Jeff Garzik’s $1000 contribution was a result of that link, but thanks! I’ll try to give money’s worth.

[Friday-morning update]

Got my first $500 contributors overnight, and almost halfway to the goal.

[Afternoon update]

Past the halfway mark, with eleven days to go.

One thought on “The Power Of Instapundit”

  1. I’m in, Rand. FWIW my employer is doing some work on the Senate Launch System for a sub-contractor. I sit behind our lead designer on that, and he is constantly arguing with the NASA people and the engineers at the client. He’s frustrated as hell with both NASA and the low caliber designers and detailers assigned to the project. I’m not on the project, since my employer doesn’t want people with space systems experience working on it, which is just as well.
    I briefly had a small sheet on the outside of my cubicle reading “SLS: Space, 1969” This came after a loud, noisy meeting at his desk with reps from the client and NASA. This disrupted my own meeting on the project I was working on, and I was seriously annoyed. Management was not happy with me, as usual. On the SLS, I am known as “The Heretic.” I’ve had worse nicknames,,,

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