The University Of California

goes full fascist:

Alumni of the UC system should immediately cease wasting their charitable dollars on such an anti-intellectual, fascist institution. And any intelligent young person should avoid it like the plague. The system has clearly been captured by individuals with micro-brains possessing micro-tolerance and micro-confidence.

It’s fascinating to sit back and watch the academy destroy itself. Unfortunately, it’s also tragic, and destroying millions of young peoples’ lives, with taxpayer dollars.

[Update a while later]

“The Left’s “microaggressions” are a sign of their micro-totalitarian tendencies.”

4 thoughts on “The University Of California”

  1. Well, there is the list of micro aggressions and also their objection to the reverence of the Magna Carta, as it is imperfect in their eyes. Rejection of the Magna Carta leads to a totalitarian society.

  2. One thing I wondered here is where did the fad come from? Suddenly a lot of people in academia are talking about the latest crazy concept.

    Wikipedia states the term was coined in 1970 to describe human behavior that makes assumptions about race and extended to sex-related biases in 1973. I gather it languished in obscurity for decades afterward. Googling around for articles before 2014, I see that recent discussion of microaggression seems to have been spurred by a 2007 psychology article which created a taxonomy of microaggression behavior.

    I still don’t get how it went from diagnosis to fad of the decade, but fads are inherently unstable.

    1. I agree with the languish. I do recall the micro-expression fad a few years back culminating in the TV show “Lie to Me”. The problem is micro expression, or reading body language, is more art than science. It can be useful, but it isn’t something that works everyday in any circumstance; as was suggested by the TV show and suspected by sooper-genius elites. My assumption is micro-expression begat micro-aggressions, in which the sooper-genius elites figured they could tell when a person was doing aggressive whether they admitted it or not. Overall, it is just another attempt to regulate thought-crime, which is nothing new for progressives.

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