Some Lives Matter

In which a Democrat presidential candidate is berated by Democrats for being insufficiently racist:

By stoking the division of identity politics, the Balkanized tribes which comprise the progressive movement are tearing into each other. Lily-white Bernie fans are lecturing black activists about MLK. Hispanics are upset that trans persons are getting too much stage time. Union members are trying to stop Uber as wired millennials look on with incredulity. Liberalism is eating itself.

Despite the media’s insistence that leftism is ascendant, Democrats continue to climb further out on a crooked limb of the crazy tree. And when average American voters see a seemingly mainstream candidate apologize for saying the obvious truth that “all lives matter,” they’re going to give the GOP another look.

Well, hope springs eternal.

[Update a few minutes later]

Fear and loathing at Netroots Nation.

Fear and loathing are the only thing they really excel at.

37 thoughts on “Some Lives Matter”

  1. Meanwhile on the “Supid Party ™” side, all 37 candidates are burying their head in the sand on immigration while a clown moves to the front of the line because he has nothing to lose. All theater, of course since Bush III and the open borders Chamber of Commerce WILL be the candidate and conservative Republicans – soon to be extinct – will have no say in the matter.

    1. Jeb Bush is not going to be the candidate. However the establishment feels, the rest of us are not going to vote for him.

      1. Fraud via electronic voting machines will ensure the votes of the grassroots are marginalized.

  2. The first time I saw this story, I reread the 1st paragraph 3 times, thinking I was missing something. But no, Mr. O’Malley really did apologize for having the audacity to think that ALL lives matter. What WAS he thinking!?

    If you think of the Lib side, they think white lives matter least because of white privilege. Anyone none white is next, white liberals are in there next, and we know where they stand on unborn lives, regardless of color.

  3. “All lives matter” is both true and a poor response to protesters chanting “Black lives matter.” It’s like telling an ER doctor that you’re dying and having him reply that technically everyone is dying. It’s true, but also rudely dismissive of your concern.

    1. The #blacklivesmatter movement of the Democrat party is extremely racist. You don’t fight racism by being extra racist yourself. Black supremacists have a home the Democrat party. Its sick.

      Police misconduct affects everyone. White people are killed and mistreated by cops all the time. Perhaps the best way to reform the system is to admit that white people are victims of it too but that would go against the racist narrative Democrats inculcate in their followers. Be inclusive rather than scapegoating and blaming people who are not responsible while at the same time claiming that nothing bad ever happens to them.

      Or just keep creating racial divisions and plotting courses of actions that are not aimed at persuasion but rather instigating conflict for the sake of having racial conflict.

      1. Noting, and caring about the fact that the victims of a problem are disproportionately black is not racism. It’s facing reality.

        1. No, the racist rhetoric from this Democrat activist group makes it racist.

          I would be a lot more sympathetic if there wasn’t a race supremacist group involved and the activists actually cared about other people killed by cops but Democrats deny that cops kill anyone but black people, which is why O’Malley got in so much trouble.

    2. Racist.

      Every single time there’s a color behind the word “lives” or “rights” you are creating division and problems. Just like your god, Obama.

      PEOPLE matter. PEOPLE’S rights matter. PEOPLE’S lives matter.

    3. Yeah, if you were dying because you listened to hucksters and fraudsters and made serial subsequent poor decisions against your own long term self interest.

    4. “rudely dismissive of your concern” Yes. Sorry. “black lives matter” takes for granted that the rest of the society thinks they don’t. Proof, look at how high a proportion of people killed by police were black…, etc.
      Well, I don’t know about that. More likely to me is that the high proportion is because black people are much more likely to live in or near the part of society that is one side of the Drug War, with the police on the other side. A statistic I’d like to see if it’s available: is there a difference between the percentage killed by white cops, and by black cops?
      I know that there are racists, but I don’t know that they are an important part of the problem. When I was a kid in the fifties, yes. But today?
      I do not have to apologize that you haven’t convinced me yet that your concern is valid. Continue and try and convince me. Till then, don’t expect me to show respect to your slogans that take your point of view for granted.

        1. It takes for granted that if the rest of society thought that black lives mattered as much as non-black lives, then we’d have a criminal justice system that treated blacks as well as non-blacks. We don’t.

          1. Society does care about black people. But do these militant Democrat activists care about non-black people? Not so much. No one leads protest when poor white people get killed by the cops, even when it is a white woman. Reality flies in the face of so many racist Democrat stereotypes.

      1. “A statistic I’d like to see if it’s available: is there a difference between the percentage killed by white cops, and by black cops?”

        You should see what they say about black cops. Race traitor is mild.

        1. General murder rates:

          Killed by police rates:

          Note that the FBI statistics say all Hispanics are white Hispanics. (They aren’t in the ‘other’ category.)

          The gist is: Far more whites are killed by cops by the straight numbers. The cop-shoots-someone numbers are dropping for blacks but not whites. But the numbers are disparate when pro-rated by percentages in society-as-a-whole.

          The statistic -I- want to see is:
          “Shot in a Blue City” versus “Shot in a Red Zone.”

          Because weighting by ‘society as a whole’ is silly when it should be weighted precinct-by-precinct.

          1. Darn it, left off the “Hard to find race of cops” part. Seattle cops are pretty close to demographics of the city of Seattle (Asians underrepresented, everyone else over-represented by a percent or two.)

    5. Jim,
      crappy analogy.

      You seem to ass-u-me that all black people are under some immediate danger of losing their lives. That is true only in the sense that they are more likely to be killed violently, than are whites.

      But before you comment again, go look at the stats of WHO is killing them. Big hint for ya’, it ain’t idiot, white rednecks, wearing Battle Flags or white hoods.

      1. Democrats said that Dylan Roof was representative of the entire southern United States but in his manifesto, Roof complained there were no skin heads or KKK’s out there. Did no one stop to think how far we have come? This racist had no support for his racist views. No one who would take up arms for a race war.

        That is a good thing.

        Last week there was a big KKK protest, so big only a couple hundred people showed up out of the millions that live in the area. There were probably more media there than KKK members. This too was portrayed as representative of the south despite such small number of KKK. But went almost without comment was the counter protest by the New Black Panther party, which is as racist as the KKK.

        We do have racism in the USA but it isn’t confined to white people or the south. We will never have racial harmony as long as groups like the Democrats support racist groups like La Raza or the NBP.

  4. The Obama administration is against letting our troops carry sidearms, but when it comes to Mexican drug cartels, those they give automatic weapons by the truckload.

    1. OOPS, my post above is in the wrong thread, sorry.

      The outcry against all lives mater is racist to a degree that makes the KKK look like pikers in comparison.

      It fits though… racism, KKK included, has long been a penchant of the left.

      1. The other day the KKK and New Black Panthers showed up to protest. The KKK was from a time when Democrats welcomed racism directed against black people and the NBP is from today, when Democrats welcome racism directed toward white people.

      2. I dunno Arizona, DNC also panders to La Raza, so I think that might explain why they are good walking arms to drug lords and claiming that only certain lives matter.

      3. One of the things that NEVER gets mentioned is that the KKK was all Southern Democrats, and that the Battle Flags on State Flags or over Southern Statehouses were put there by Democrats.

        1. Democrats prefer the term Southern Conservatives because it helps them scapegoat their modern day political opponents. They have to engage in some mental gymnastics to support that claim, which is always frustrating to deal with.

      4. The outcry against all lives mater is racist to a degree that makes the KKK look like pikers in comparison.

        Because “outcry” is worse than mass murder?

        1. Jim, I’m talking about the KKK in the present (which isn’t committing mass murder). I’m not talking about the KKK of the 50’s and before. Though, if you’d prefer, we can do so, seeing as how the KKK of decades past was so devoutly Democrat, and how the Democrats of the south of that era were so intertwined with it.

        2. I do recall Jim that your response to the outcry on this blog to the mass murder of Mexicans by drug lords armed by Obama’s ATF was “they would have died anyway”.

          1. Here’s the actual quote from Jim:

            You really think those people would be alive today, if not for F&F? Thousands of guns cross the border every year!

            To be fair, he probably was trying to be sarcastic at first.

        3. If it’s mass murder you are so worried about, why don’t you do something abut the epidemic of black on black crime in places like Chicago where 10-20 people are shot every weekend and many of them children?

          I’ll tell you why you don’t:

          because it wouldn’t fit your narrative; because you can’t face the fact that you are the problem and not the solution; because you and your party are racist to the core; and because to admit that all your policies do is kill black people, destroy black families, remove the ability for black people to defend themselves, remove the ability for black people to prosper, and perpetuate the problem, would be more than your little racist brain could handle.

          If you wanted to be taken seriously, you’d show outrage when every *persons* rights were violated; when *people* were killed, raped, robbed, beaten. You would work to sow harmony not division – you sow division every time you put a color before a word like “people”.

          You would just just as much argumentative hot air about Steinle as you do about Ferguson.

          But you don’t care about the slaughter. You only care about deceiving yourself into thinking you are noble.

  5. What lefties and morons (I repeat myself) tend to forget is what the actual basis of racism is tribal.

    It’s “They look different from my tribe, so I don’t trust them.”

    So every single goddam time there is a “Black Perspective” tv show or “Black lives matter” (as opposed to all lives matter and all lives are precious) is uttered, the deeply ingrained notion of tribalism gets reinforced.

    You want people to look at a person of any color and think: “Person”

    You do not want them thinking “Other thing not of my tribe.”

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