Mark Steyn’s New Book

Some commentary from the author on its reception so far.

I’ll be interested to see what people like Phil Plait have to say. I suspect they’ll try to pretend it doesn’t exist.

[Thursday-morning update]

Thoughts (and a lot of excerpts) from Judith Curry.

I’m not sure that the fact he’s making a lot of money on the book reduces his chances of getting damages from Mann. I’m sure he would have preferred to have been writing other books, and he needs the money for his legal defense.

6 thoughts on “Mark Steyn’s New Book”

  1. Hmmm. It’s hard to believe nobody has ever compiled a collection of quotes from coaches and sports-writers about the career of Jerry Sandusky… But so it is. And so the comparison between the coach and the climatologist has at last broken down.

  2. I followed the Judith Curry link, and there saw a quote from Jonathan James that mentioned Climategate 2011. If I recall correctly, a portion of the encrypted file was released at that time, but the bulk is still secret. With the big climate conference coming up in Paris, I wonder if the encryption key might be released as an “October Surprise”….

      1. Er, me neither.

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  3. Phil Plait? If he applied the same logic and reason to CAGW as he did with the moon-hoaxers who made him famous, then he wouldn’t get to hang out with the cool kids like Adam Savage. Likewise, if Adam Savage applied the same logic and reason to bust the myth of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming that he uses on his TV show, then he wouldn’t get to hang out with the cool kids like Phil Plait. Because smart.

  4. I ordered the dead-tree edition when I first read this here. Normally I buy bits instead of atoms but Amazon has shown that the ability to recall ebooks when ordered by a judge.

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