Hillary And Her Aides

Yes, absolutely, they should be stripped of their clearances. Anyone else would have been months ago.

The people in denial about the prospects for her candidacy don’t seem to understand that she has rendered herself unqualified for the office with what is (at a minimum) very poor judgment, and utter incompetence in handling national security.

[Update a while later]

Here’s a bit of good news for Hillary; there’s one poll in which she’s rising: “69% want to see a special prosecutor.” Nice to be in the majority for once.

[Update a few minutes later]

Clinton aides’ Blackberries likely destroyed.

I’m sure it was just an unfortunately accident.

8 thoughts on “Hillary And Her Aides”

  1. The Blackberries might not have been destroyed. They might have been “SOLD OFF”! Please, FBI, track down the radio serial numbers and check the cell phone companies to see if they are still on the air.

    1. Who is this Jarod?

      We talking Jared Fogle (disgraced sandwich salesman) or Valerie Jarrett (confidant to Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson Obama)?

  2. @Megan McArdle: “I imagine that listening to your husband defend his Ashley Madison account sounds a lot like liberal pundits defending Clinton email server”

  3. I’m sure it was just an unfortunate accident.

    Man, why do bad things just keep happening to her?

  4. Why would her aides still have clearances?

    A clearance is supposed to lapse after 18 months without use (or is it 24?).

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