More Nutritional Junk Science

Oh, FFS:

After a week of eating 6,200 calories a day — with a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat that included foods like hamburgers, pizza and cookies — the men gained nearly 8 lbs. (3.5 kilograms), on average. All of this added weight was fat.

Emphasis mine. Hey, guys (and/or gals). There are these things called “controls.” They’re all the rage among real scientists, I hear.

2 thoughts on “More Nutritional Junk Science”

  1. Hamburgers, Pizza, and Cookies are what I call Carbs. Now, if they ate 6,200 calories of Filet Mignon with a garlic butter sauce, or beef jerky, or eggs and T-bone, and then gained 8 lbs, I might wonder. Then again 6,200 calories of anything, unless you are an athlete, is likely going to cause weight gain.

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