6 thoughts on “Carly”

  1. She’s got a great team and knows how to respond…how to use a comment from the opponent and beat them with it.

  2. Hmmm. I thought we were trying to move away from identity politics.

    Having friends and family at HP during Carly’s reign there, I am no fan of hers. She was an ego driven, prima donna CEO who had risen beyond her competence. A sales person trying to lead a tech company during challenging times was not a good mix. She had zero interest or experience on the operations side of the business and instead tended to concentrated on corporate image and marketing. She seemed to only cared about how things looked, not how they worked. This was the antithesis of HP’s culture and history up to that point and her tenure at HP seriously damaged the company.

    If Carly somehow did secure the GOP nomination, the Dems would have no problem finding 100’s, if not 1000’s of people from HP who would shred Carly’s “executive experience”. From everything I’ve read, Trump is much more liked and respected by those who worked under him than Carly.

    That being said, I would have no problem voting for Carly over Hillary. Hopefully, it won’t come down to that though.

    1. I see your point, but I would vote for Hillary over Carly, based on the fear and loathing she inspired at Lucent Technologies back in the late 90s. I worked a contract at their Whippany engineering office in that period, and while as a contract employee I just focused on my work, but the directs hated her with a passion that I haven’t seen anywhere else in 32 years as a drafter/designer. I will say that some of her more idiotic policies made my work harder, despite having a very good client supervisor. He had a Carly dartboard in his office and allowed stressed out people, including shoppers, to use it when the bile rose. Somebody did toilet paper rolls with her face on the sheets; I had one, but it vanished somewhere on the road…

      1. You know sometimes – not always – but sometimes, what looks, from the trenches, like cruelty, indifference and stupidity would look different if they weren’t in the trenches.

        Secondly, as I’ve said before, if Carly has this tendency to get rid of people I would highly prize that in a government official.

        Lastly even if everything was true about Carly, I could NEVER vote for Hillary instead.


        That’s just asking for more lying, dissembling, socialism, cheating, misdirection, incompetence and misery.

        1. “That’s just asking for more lying, dissembling, socialism, cheating, misdirection, incompetence and misery.”

          You forgot cronyism and corruption.

  3. I’d pay money to watch Carley debate Hillary. It would be a crushing and perhaps even cathartic for the nation. A Clinton actually held to account.

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