The Next President And Space

Another piece at The Space Review I missed last week was Jeff Foust’s assessment of the presidential field in the context of space policy.

Bottom line: None of them are going to be a JFK. Which isn’t surprising, because even JFK wasn’t the JFK of space-advocate fantasies. We live in a democratic Republic, and we’re not going to do Apollo again, to Mars or anywhere else. The best we can hope for is a president who recognizes the value of high-leverage space technology needed to reduce costs, and will fund those things necessary to support it during his or her term.

One thought on “The Next President And Space”

  1. Obama is just about 180 degrees from all my political positions, except for commercial space. Go figure.

    I commend you Rand, for calling out Obama for his follies, and for also commending his commercial cargo and crew policies.

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