10 thoughts on “The “Cuckservative” Slur”

  1. It looks like a small number of people have an outsized voice due to Twitter. I am not sure how Ann Coulter is connected. The author never made that case other than to say he thinks the people who use the slur are somehow connected to her or her to them. The only connection seems to be the author’s dislike of both.

  2. “Cuckservative” is a contraction of the two words “cuckold” and “conservative”, both words having well established, historical definitions. The intention being, or so I have read, to denigrate the tendency by many modern political and/or social conservatives in America to accept their treatment as a cuckold from political leftists. There is nothing in the least racist about such a slur (although some users of the language may indeed be racists in either philosophy or practice). To the extent there might be any debate about the contractive word cuckservative, that should center on the degree to which the apellation is deserved.

    David French would do well to make the basic effort to understand what he is writing about before he publishes his jealousy of Ann Coulter.

    1. As whites become just another minority among many, identity politics will be adopted by them for the same reason it was adopted by all other minorities, maintaining territory and push back in government funding and law space. This kerfuffle is the precursor to that and as usual National Review is clueless.

      1. But whites won’t be encouraged to band together for mutual protection and mutual self-interest. Whites are the root of all that is evil and must be wiped out, with the tacit, or even overt, approval and assistance of the State. I predict that whites in Europe will suffer the same fate as those in Rhodesia and South Africa within our lifetimes, and in North America well before 2100.

  3. I’m a libertarian not a conservative (I was a conservative until the Keepers of the Conservative Flame kicked me out for being too rational and too pro-liberty), so I don’t really have a dog in this fight; but since “racism is the most primitive form of collectivism” (Ayn Rand)* it would seem to have a natural home in the Left.

    *Pause while some member of the Stupid Left checks in with “Ayn Rand liked serial killers,” “Ayn Rand got Social Security,” etc.

  4. Are these people who they claim to be or just a bunch of Mobys? On the Internet, nobody knows if you’re a dog.

    Things like this just confirm my already low opinion of Twitter. The biggest difference between Twitter and a sewer is that sewers serve a useful purpose.

  5. Just say, “I’ve been called worse things than that by better people than you.”

    Because simply by virtue of preferring to think than to feel, and of preferring honesty over sophistry, it is undeniably true.

  6. Very strange use of the term because it doesn’t make any sense to me.

    To me, the cuckolds are the true conservatives that are told by GOP candidates that they will fight obamacide, fight amnesty etc etc and then do exactly the opposite once in office.

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