Hillary’s Server

What the FBI is up to. And fresh evidence continues to undermine her email defense.

And, no Barack, it’s actually kind of stupid to think that this wasn’t a major breach of security. And it’s corrupt to weigh in with your opinion on an ongoing investigation as you did here (and with the “not a smidgen of evidence” about the IRS). Now the FBI has to operate under the burden of knowledge that you won’t be happy if they dispute the president.

4 thoughts on “Hillary’s Server”

  1. Why I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you. We’re told repeatedly that there is no truth behind these allegations of fraud.

    It makes me wonder if the IRS accusations may have some validity behind them.

    No, I’m just a conspiratorial theorist. The obfuscations and delays are all in my head.

  2. He’s shaping the battlefield of words (the only one he believes in.) Their BS isn’t always extemporaneous.

  3. As much as it pains me to say this I agree with the President’s spin on this. He couldn’t publicly acknowledge that it was a major security breach at this stage of things, just no one would publicly say to someone who had accidentally stated some classified information: “Hey, that’s TOP SECRET, you idiot!” You never let the enemy know what you know about what he knows, at least not when it matters. It will be many years before that could happen, after we had mitigated the damage. Of course, we have to know what the damage was to begin with, which Hillary’s deletion of emails has made much more difficult.

    What puzzles me is the reportage. Fox states “The FBI is currently investigating whether classified information that passed through Clinton’s server was mishandled.” This is sloppy journalism. If classified information was sent and stored on an insecure system, it was mishandled, period. That isn’t anyone’s opinion. It’s in every Special Security Guide written in the computer age.

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