Peggy Noonan

Sorry, like David Brooks, she forfeited any reasons to take her views seriously in 2008. It was perfectly obvious to many of us that Barack Obama was a radical (he told us so himself, in his pledge to “fundamentally transform America”), in his years in Wright’s pews, in his associations with Ayers and Khalidi, in his socialist run in the 90s with the New Party, in his seeking of Marxists in college. I was right, she was wrong.

3 thoughts on “Peggy Noonan”

  1. Noonan and other keep saying they were impressed or fooled by Obama’s speech-making ability. I could never see it.
    I thought he sounded glib and unpolished at his big debut at the Dem convention. No speech since has changed my mind.
    Sure, if you just lie back and let the tine of voice wash over you (and don’t puke at the lecturing tone) then I suppose you could conclude he’s a good talker. But try to parse the words, and where there’s anything at all, it’s not good. Mostly there’s nothing.

    1. Obama reads from a Teleprompter quite well. When on his own, he stumbles and bumbles enough to make George W. Bush sound articulate. It makes me wonder who is writing the script on his prompters.

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