27 thoughts on “The Donald”

  1. and a opportunistic chameleon

    I think this is the dictionary definition of politician. At least one of the definitions.

  2. For months, Trump was the only one offering anything but the usual platitudes. He may be lying about doing what he can to stop illegal immigration, but none of the others were even willing to lie about it.

    Carson seems to have picked up on that, and realized the center is not where the votes are, hence his rising popularity.

    1. Rubbish. The only things Trump has *ever* mouthed are platitudes and insults.

      We live in an age where conservative icons and thinkers like Jack Kemp, Ronald Reagan, and Newt Gingrich are now considered RINOs or worse, while a liberal, billionaire welfare queen/clown like Trump is hailed as the second coming. People who call themselves “conservatives” argue that the Founding principles are obsolete because we now have television and “libertarians” want to abolish the most basic freedoms because they perceive immigration as a threat to the Welfare State.

      If this is what the GOP has come to, it doesn’t deserve to win.

  3. Part of it is that he’s Donald Trump.

    Another part is that the other options are few re immigration. People expect further betrayal from most of the other candidates — with good reason.

    1. the other options are few re immigration.

      Do you mean immigration or “punishing your enemies”?

      If it’s the former, there is only one option that works, in the long run: freedom.

      If it’s the latter, there are numerous candidates putting forth plans to punish immigrants for daring to breathe American air without permission of the Almighty State. Trump is merely the most uncouth.

      1. Freedom. Sounds like you’re prevaricating. Why don’t you just say open borders. Two simple words, I’ll bet you’ll feel better if you just come out with them.

        1. Yes, Curt, open borders. The inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which all men are endowed with by their Creator. The Founding Principles which those “stupid, stupid men, who didn’t even have television” pledged their lives to protect.

          What is it you stand for? The original architects of the Closed Door policy were proud to call themselves racist nativists. I’m told it isn’t Politically Correct to call it that anymore. So, what is your preferred term of prevarication?

          1. Edward, I wonder how you’d feel if I decided to exercise my apparently unlimited right to the pursuit of happiness by taking up permanent residence in your living room, against your wishes?

            After all, your private property is merely another sort of border.

          2. Well I stand for western civ as Heinlein did. Not sure if he ever read Camp of the Saints but I think if he did (and we had a functioning weegi board) he’d have an opinion or two on the current state of global affairs.

            As to prevarication, my mistake. I think you’re out of your gourde but carry on.

          3. No, private property is not “merely another sort of border.”

            Collectivists deny the distinction between what is and isn’t private property to justify theft and coercion.

            The United States is not your living room. That is a fundamental category error. I have explained the difference to you several times.

            You are not defending private property. You don’t want to control your living room. You want to control (or, rather, want the Federal government to control) what other people do in their living rooms, kitchens, places of business, etc. You want the government to determine who is fit to open a restaurant, to walk the sidewalk, even to breathe the air, in the United States.

            And, of course, you assume the government should agree with your prejudices about which groups of people are fit to breathe the air. It never occurs to you that the powers you would grant the state could someday be turned against you, or those you care about.

          4. Well I stand for western civ as Heinlein did.

            Not really. Heinlein did not confuse Western civilization with ethnic or national prejudice. He called for an open US-Mexican border and official adoption of a “Spanglish” language in the 1980’s. And reading “Starship Troopers” or “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” would probably make your head explode.

            Heinlein was no Donald Trump.

          5. Heinlein did not confuse Western civilization with ethnic or national prejudice.

            I think it’s you who is confused. Attempting to conflate the idea of national borders with “prejudice” is absurd. And very weak. I think you’re better than that. I think Donald Trump has set up living quarters in your head.

            And I re-read Starship and Moon regularly.

          6. “No, private property is not “merely another sort of border.” ”

            Yes it is, Edward…you’re just moving the line.

  4. Trump may not be an orthodox Republican, but he certainly is not a Democrat. His position on immigration, his signature issue, is one that has almost no support in the Democratic party; every single Democratic Senator voted for the 2013 immigration reform bill. His tax plan is a conventional GOP tax plan. Trump came to political fame as an anti-Obama birther, and in 2012 had GOP candidates jockeying for his endorsement.

    1. His position on immigration, his signature issue, is one that has almost no support in the Democratic party.

      That’s a new position. Historically, his positions have been Democrat. You can tell he’s a Democrat because he lies about his positions to get elected. The difference is that Republicans don’t get thrilled about that the way Democrats do.

      1. @ Rand,

        I share your concerns regarding whether or not Trump is just saying whatever he thinks will get him elected. Frankly, if I actually believed him, I’d probably be a supporter, but I have grave doubts, so I’m not.

        However, in fairness, this (lying to get elected) is not just a Democrat tactic, because some Republicans do it too. Rubio, for example, ran for the senate as a hardcore conservative on immigration, and then, once elected, started yapping about the DREAM act, giving Obama the political cover enact it by executive order. Then there was the whole gang of 8 amnesty push. In fact, I can’t find anything Rubio introduced or cosponsered that wasn’t immigration-centric and also totally opposed to his positions while seeking election. For this and many other reasons, Rubio is the only guy in the race I hate more than Jeb Bush.

        I also think Trump was instrumental in eviscerating Jeb Bush’s campaign, which I thank him for. (Bush was the frontrunner and probable nominee until Trump jumped in).

        Personally, I’m currently leaning Cruz, but still undecided.

      2. Perhaps I’m a cynic but politicians lying is no surprise. The surest sign Trump is no Democrats is that Democrats hate him so much. If Trump were elected some Democrats have said they would leave the country. Hmm, actually that might be a good reason to elect him …

        Bob Clark

    2. Apparently you haven’t been listening to Sanders lines on immigration. There are still Democrats who don’t want open borders.

      Trump is a lot like Bloomberg, belonging to whatever party is convenient at the time. You cant just look at immigration and ignore his past positions on other things.

      You guys should run on how anyone who doesn’t want dudes showering with little girls isn’t a real Democrat and that we need to confiscate all the guns and have a socialist revolution. You know embrace your base, be honest about what the party’s goals are, and kick out everyone who doesn’t agree.

      1. The latest screed by Ann Coulter denounces Paul Ryan for being pro-immigration. She compares him to Jack Kemp (which, in her mind, I guess, is like comparing him to Adolf Hitler).

        She also blasts Kemp for not caring about the poor, since he tried to help them through free-market solutions which, in her mind, have been proven not to work.

        Fools like Trump and Coulter do not speak for the entire Republican Party. (The fact that they speak for any part of it is, frankly, an embarassment

        1. I used to like Coulter’s views and especially how she presented them.

          But to me she’s gone round the bend. Some of what she says is ok…much is not.

      2. Apparently you haven’t been listening to Sanders lines on immigration. There are still Democrats who don’t want open borders.

        Sanders isn’t, and has never been, a Democrat. He’s an independent by registration (and has long been the only registered independent in the Senate). It’s both hilarious and terrifying that he’s doing so well in the D primary.

        Are there still some actual Democrats who aren’t open borders? I’m sure there are. I just wish there were more of them.

        1. Are there still some actual Democrats who aren’t open borders?

          You haven’t spent any time on the West Coast if you believe that. When I lived in the Seattle area, even immigrants from other states were looked down upon. Every other car on the highway seemed to have a “Washington native” bumper sticker. And you’d be hard pressed to find two Republicans to rub together.

    3. “His position on….”

      I wouldn’t put any stock in any position he states, for several reasons:

      Trump is a businessman and he has shown the ability to back out of a deal or project if it’s going South. A good businessman is pragmatic and not wedded to a deal. I can’t say for sure that Trump is a good businessman, but I do know he’s backed out and/or shut down deals and projects. Also as a businessman, he knows how to put up a facade to make the organization he’s bargaining with think what he wants them to think.

      Right now he’s bargaining with the GOP voters.

      Trump is a showman and he knows very well how to titillate audiences. Recall how people loved it when he said, “You’re FIRED!” on his show. Trump noticed that. So he knows how to talk the talk. His one skill is that he’s recognized what the preponderance of Conservatives thirst for and he delivers. Like any good seller would do.

  5. Dunno this further supports my theory that he first entered to help Hillary win. Though shockingly it appears he has a legitimate chance of winning, other than I expect a Anybody but Trump candidate will consolidate. But let look he hasn’t really attacked Hillary, and He has attacked Bernie Sanders more than Hillary, while being a punching bag, boogie man for her.

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