7 thoughts on “Milo Yiannopoulos”

  1. “Another friend, Alicia Navarro, founder of Skimlinks, told me that while she doesn’t always like it, Yiannopoulos “does put forward arguments that make us think.” ”

    It seems to be that lefties rarely say anything to make anyone think-
    and it about the same with Mormons- though they not quite as bad.
    Unless one counts wondering how someone could be so dumb counts as thinking.

    1. and it about the same with Mormons- though they not quite as bad.

      I’ll just point out that we have a couple of pretty sharp Mormons on this site.

      1. I think it’s quite possible that someone who was very intelligent is a Lefty or Mormon [or, and Mormon]

        But if so, I probably wouldn’t know they are Lefties or Mormons by how they are relating to issues.
        If pretty sharp, they are less dependent upon dogma and are not filtering everything thru this dogma..

        So what I meant by Lefty or Mormon is someone I know, as such- because of what they say.
        I suppose in simpler terms, Lefties or Mormons could have various talking points and what I mean is, that these talking points aren’t interesting or thought provoking.

        [Though an aspect of “a talking point”, is the person generally knows it’s a talking point- and it’s possible that a Lefty or a Mormon or others might instead imagine it’s thinking or a thought.]

        1. “If pretty sharp, they are less dependent upon dogma and are not filtering everything thru this dogma..”

          This is not generally true. Psychologically speaking, the smarter you are the better at rationalizing you are. There is no negative correlation between belief and intelligence. (And if you look at the data instead of your biases, the data actually says Mormons are smarter than the average… they value education highly, and the data reflects that)

          This is also the issue with other contentious subjects, such as catastrophic global warming and socialism… And for the record, Mormons are far from dogmatic.

          -A Mormon Rocket Dude

          1. If most Mormons are far from dogmatic. And if most are intelligent, this would support what I said:
            “If pretty sharp, they are less dependent upon dogma and are not filtering everything thru this dogma..”

            But most Lefties are very dogmatic.
            It’s definitional- if not dogmatic, then not a Lefty.

            They routinely expel less dogmatic Lefties even if they want to remain a Lefty.
            With the Great Terror being a frenzy in which such expelling was dramatize via the guillotine.
            Today, unlike that merciful means of execution, a “The War of the Roses” divorce is a amicable separation..

  2. How can someone so likable have beliefs that I disagree with? Fortunately, we can shoehorn this into serial killer tropes. He patiently hunts his victims and there’s no escape – unless you block him on Facebook, of course.

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