6 thoughts on “The West”

  1. Superb article, but IMHO, the title is not accurate. The West is not merely slipping away, it is actively endeavoring to destroy itself. It’s become actively suicidal.

    I’d really like to hear from the open-borders supporters hereabouts why, exactly, the mass influx of Muslims into Europe is a good thing, and would be even better with truly open borders (which would, of course, drastically increase the flow).

    1. Europe isn’t committing suicide. It’s dying from a cancer that metastasized from Soviet-era subversion programs.

      However, if ‘migrants’ continue to turn up at a rate of 10,000 a day, Europe will be on fire by Christmas. I see Slovenia is already considering demanding military assistance from the rest of the EU to stop the invasion of their country.

      1. Edward, this may sound like a slam, but it’s not, I’m legitimately confused because I thought you favored open borders.

        Open borders would increase the flow into Europe to well above the 10,000 per day you mention.

        I’d appreciate it if you’d clarify this. Thanks.

        1. Sorry, not me. I’ve always been puzzled by ‘open borders’ libertarians, because it seems obvious to me that you can’t maintain a libertarian society for long if you fill it with non-libertarians.

          And, having thought about this a lot for my SF stories, I’m increasingly convinced that few communities will want to take the risk of letting anyone enter them a few decades from now. Even if they’re the nicest people in the solar system, they may be carrying a bioengineered disease that would wipe you out in days.

        2. BTW, I was just reading a Breibart article claiming that Austria has sold out of shotguns, because Austrians have suddenly decided that having a gun might be a good idea, and shotguns are the only ones they can buy without a license.

          That old ‘Europe is such a lovely place because they don’t have guns’ thing may also be coming to an end.

  2. @ Edward M. Grant,

    I owe you an apology. I had you confused with someone else named Edward. Sorry.

    And yep, things are going to hell in a handbasket pretty fast in Europe.
    Sweden is already the rape capital of the western world, and is so entirely because of Muslim immigrants. And that’s before the current influx.

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