Coddling The Snowflakes

An interesting interview with Jonathan Haidt on the victims and crybullies on campus. With a bonus Mars reference.

And “Microaggression, meet Ralph Waldo Emerson.” Yes, the modern progressives are the lineal ideological descendants of the Puritans. It’s the reason Massachusetts is so blue.

Also, the seductions of safety. [Via Glenn]

George Will weighs in: On campus, freedom from speech. And Ross Douthat says it’s a crisis our campuses deserve. Yes, they created this monster.

Ed Driscoll has more, related links.

One thought on “Coddling The Snowflakes”

  1. … the modern progressives are the lineal ideological descendants of the Puritans. It’s the reason Massachusetts is so blue.

    Camille Paglia pointed out many years ago that feminists were modern puritans, which is why there was so much agreement between feminists and the religious right on pornography.

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