6 thoughts on “Flash”

  1. I understand the wish to move on, but I’ve been trying to write some fairly complex animation in css3 & jQuery, and in many ways it’s really a pain. They’ll reach the level of the tools that Flash has for development, but they’re not there yet.

  2. Can someone pass the word on the engineering book publishing arm of McGraw-Hill. The have this online homework assignment service called Connect, and it requires Flash.

    Why — the homework problems are just static engineering drawings, and the student responses are to fill in blanks with numeric values.

    Only if you have Flash disabled, you can’t do your homework, or the instructor cannot check the homework.

  3. Long ago, I installed a flashblocker. It replaces the flash animation with a button, so unless I click on it, it doesn’t play.

    For HTML 5 vids, it took me a while to find a way to stop them. It turned out it was simple, no plugin needed; it’s the autoplay setting in Firefox’s about:config; just set it to false.

    I’m glad Flash seems to be on its way out. I just hope HTML5 continues being as easy to block as flash is.

  4. On the subject of standing up to the demands of software, is Windows 10 an improvement over 8.1 and a general benefit to mankind, or is it the Mark of the Beast, the harbinger of the Black Helicopters, and a secret plan to gather all your personal information and sell it to a Korean cult leader?

    And what is the deal with the insistent nag popup to upgrade, now! I am leaning to the Black Helicopters point of view more and more every day. Or the cult leader . . .

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