Hillary’s Criminal Investigation

continues to move forward. It’s really amazing to see all of the crimes that she’s committed. And I’d forgotten about this one:

All of her behavior has triggered the FBI investigation because she may have committed serious federal crimes. For example, it is a crime to steal federal property. What did she steal? By diverting to her own venue the digital metadata that accompany all emails — metadata that, when attached to the work-related emails of a government employee, belong to the government — she stole that data. The metadata do not appear on her paper copies — hence the argument that she stole and destroyed the government-owned metadata.

This is particularly troublesome for her present political ambitions because of a federal statute that disqualifies from public office all who have stolen federal property. (She is probably already barred from public office — though this was not prominently raised when she entered the U.S. Senate or the Department of State — because of the china, silverware and furniture that she and her husband took from the White House in January 2001.)

I didn’t realize until the 90s how completely corrupt and indifferent to the law Democrats are.

One thought on “Hillary’s Criminal Investigation”

  1. In fairness, Rand, I don’t think the Democrats were anywhere near this corrupt and willing to ignore/break the law UNTIL the 90’s, so that might be why you didn’t notice. 🙂

    Hrmm, now who was in the white house for most of the 90’s? Oh, the Clintons… what a coincidence!

    As for Hillary’s crimes, I agree with your point that stealing federal property legally disqualifies one from office, but I’d also like to add that so does one of the statutes regarding mishandling of classified info.

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