4 thoughts on “Recruiting For ISIS”

  1. Bush was also in it as whomever the next President will be in future videos. ISIS doesn’t hate the USA because of any one President but because we do not follow their brand of Islam. What we do or don’t do has very little if any impact on their core motivations.

    When people start talking about doing things not to offend ISIS or not fighting back, it is just appeasement and it won’t work.

  2. Wodun is right. When a politician starts talking about how this video or that candidate’s talking point or how Guantanamo…how all these things are “recruitment” tools by ISIS, they think they are talking to morons.

    None of that stuff matters. ISIS would be doing the same – or more – if no one did/said those things or if Gitmo was closed 2 years ago.

  3. P.S. did anyone worry about what they said regarding Nazi’s or Tojo after Dec tth>


    They just went out and crushed them and solved the problem.

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