4 thoughts on “Christmas Eve, 1955”

  1. It’s 67º at sunset in Pennsylvania on Christmas Eve, and I’m sitting here in a T-shirt and no socks, with the windows wide open.

    Kooky weather. But it’s only weather.

  2. It is warm, and its great not to have to freeze during December, but I am hearing very little of this blamed on Climate Change.

    My theory is that if the topic of Climate Change were raised right now, people would say, “Climate Change, feels great, I could go for some of that.” Ergo, not a whisper of blaming the current nice weather on Climate Change.

  3. One of my most vivid childhood memories was flying a kite with my Dad in a park one day, wearing shorts and a T-shirt – and being reminded by my Dad that the next day was Christmas Eve. Because of this warm winter in DC, that memory has been revived. I went back and looked up the weather data from that day in my youth, and it was in 1958.

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