14 thoughts on “Ted Cruz”

  1. I like Cruz, so maybe I’m a bit biased, but I agree he’s done a superb job.

    I also think that Cruz is benefiting from the fact that the Bush campaign has been so focused on Rubio, and will continue to do so (Looks like Bush’s superpac is about to do a major anti-Rubio add buy). I’m glad to see this, because I’m very much enjoying seeing Bush and Rubio blow each other up.

    1. Bush in negative attack ads that insult Trump: You can’t insult your way to the Presidency

      The dude needs to go away and let his son carry the torch. Right now there is a good chance to depress two of the main voting blocks of Democrats but nothing will motivate Democrat turn out more than a Bush on the ticket.

  2. It is refreshing to see a candidate avoid the telegraphed traps from a hostile media. Trump deals with it by attacking the media and coopting the controversy. Cruz sidesteps the traps and refuses to take part in their games.

    The media constantly tries to get the Republican candidates to fight among each other while portraying the Democrats as much more friendly to each other and without any major differences. This is scripted. You can tell to how the media narrative dovetails into Hillary’s debate kill shots where she says that they all think the same thing on all the issues but she will do better at taxing, giving free stuff, and attacking groups the Democrats hate than the other candidates. The way Democrat comments all come out with the same line about how a debate without conflict is so superior to GOP debates is further evidence. People forget the media controls the questions.

    The media knows that Trump and Cruz are their biggest threats, which is why they always try and get them to fight each other. Cruz has the right approach, to smother with love and pick up voters as candidates drop out. Rubio supporters are taking the opposite approach and viciously attacking anyone who doesn’t think Rubio is right for the job.

  3. Yeah, I’ve enjoyed watching Trump bait the media as much as anyone. But, I’d rather have a cool-headed grown-up at the helm. Cruz looks promising.

  4. I still like a Trump/Cruz ticket.

    I’m leery of Cruz because of his Harvard and Goldman Sachs connections. Those two institutions already have far too much influence in the federal government.

    Alan Dershowitz said Cruz was his best student at Harvard Law, but then Dershowitz is a liberal. So leery again.

    I’m leery of Trump because he’s all over the map. Talk about a loose cannon. It’s hard to tell what he believes from one day to the next. But he’s the only Republican nominee who I think could possibly win by a landslide. All the others, including Cruz, would barely squeak by at best.

    Maybe Cruz could serve as an anchor on Trump, and curb his worst excesses, what with his Constitutional knowledge and all.

    I like Trump because he throws the media’s BS right back in their faces, and he’s the only one who makes any sense at all on immigration. Whether he means it remains to be seen.

    1. Dershowitz is a liberal, but in recent years he’s shown signs of intregrity not normally displayed by liberal legal scholars.

      When I was an undergrad I had a liberal prof for classes in political thought who turned out to be the best professor I ever had — and I’m not just saying that because he consistently gave conservative me the the highest grades in those classes.

      1. Where do you get that idea? The current RealClearPolitics poll averages are:

        Clinton 45.6
        Cruz 45

        Clinton 45.8
        Carson 45.3

        Clinton 45.3
        Bush 44

        Clinton 44.7
        Christie 44

        Rubio is the only GOP candidate beating Clinton in head-to-head polls at the moment (45.8 to 44.2). Not that general election polls mean much at this point.

      2. For the past several years, the polls are doing a poor job at predicting election results. There are several probable explanations such as people refusing to cooperate with pollsters, people dropping their landlines, etc. Polls are only as accurate as the quality of their samples and how their questions are worded.

        The news media used polls in place of real news and cover political campaigns like horse races. Instead of reporting that Candidate A when to Location X and said something, they keep trotting out poll results. As of now, not a single caucus has taken place and not a single primary vote has been cast. Once those early elections take place, some candidates will drop out while others pick up momentum. To predict next November’s election results by conditions today is beyond foolish, it’s journalistic malpractice.

        Trump isn’t my guy, but at least he has the balls to call out the media. I don’t think he’d hesitate to point out the ample amount of baggage that Hillary has and that the press won’t report.

  5. I choose my candidate based upon what they DO/DID and not what they say.

    Cruz was my next pick after Scott Walker. Walker is an executive (vs legislative) guy and has fought off the progs and won repeatedly. So I had greater confidence that he could make the changes Conservatives want to see in DC.

    But his campaign flamed out. Sad but that’s the way it is. So now Cruz is my next choice. This is because he, too, fought the good fight. He put it on the line and fought not only the progs but the GOPe. He didn’t always win but then the odds were always against. him. Fact is he took a stand.

    And then he took MSNBC to the woodshed publicly during that debate. I liked that a lot too.

  6. I consider Cruz to be the most likely nominee. He has the right analysis of the race: there’s an establishment “lane” and a conservative base “lane”, and he’s positioned to win the latter when Trump and Carson fall away. Meanwhile, the establishment lane is crowded with candidates attacking each other, and by the time that sorts itself out Cruz may have piled up a big delegate lead in the March 1 Super Tuesday contests. Cruz also seems to be well organized in caucus states, as Obama was in 2008, which will help in a drawn-out delegate hunt.

    The worst thing that could happen to Cruz would be for Trump to fall apart too soon (e.g. before the NH primary February 9).

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