The Science Is Settled

I don’t believe that science is done by “consensus,” but if you are sufficiently unfamiliar with how science works that you do, the consensus seems to be that CAGW is a crock:

Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

It’s also worth noting that the BS 97% number is not about CAGW.

6 thoughts on “The Science Is Settled”

  1. Of course the default comeback the warm mongers reply with is “but those aren’t climatologists!”, as if that affects the ability to apply the scientific method to a subject.

  2. Lots of missing stuff here.
    1) The article is from 2013
    2) The study the article refers to is from 2012
    3) The study was of _petroleum engineers around Alberta_, a petroleum-industry area.
    The study made this clear, but the article chose to ignore it and deceive his readers.
    Note: don’t trust the author of this article in the future.

    1. No.

      I’m one of the professionals that were surveyed. A small minority of us are “petroleum engineers”. The rest are geoscientists and engineers with other specialties. We’re certainly among the most knowledgeable and grounded groups of people anywhere, and every one of us has sworn an oath to protect the public. Your attempt to disqualify the survey based on the location of the study is both amateurish and insulting.

      If you re-did the study today I suspect the number would be less than 25%.

  3. I can’t see the first three comments, so sorry if I’m being redundant.

    Two things. One, the Forbes writer doesn’t make clear that the targeted respondents are mostly in the oil & gas industry. Two, the study authors go to great lengths to point out that the targeted (a most appropriate word) respondents are mostly in the oil & gas industry, and therefore their skepticism can be discarded as obviously self-serving spin. The study summary is stomach-turning: blatant AGW advocacy and eager other-shaming. Reminds me of those “scientific” “studies” published every now and then that explain conservatives as mentally diseased, cognitively impaired, or hopelessly manipulated.

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