11 thoughts on “Don’t Cry For Me, Syria”

  1. I shed tears every time I think of a Red Diaper Baby Alinskyite POTUS shredding what’s left of the Constitution and thinking THE ROAD TO SERFDOM is a how-to guide and not a dire warning.

  2. Don’t you find traumatic events close to home more harrowing than similar – or far worse events – on the other side of the world? If you don’t you might well be a unique individual in that respect, because that’s how it works for everyone else.

    1. I personally find children being crucified on the other side of the world just as harrowing (if not more so) than children being shot on the other side of the country.

    2. Remember during the last administration, when Democrats were so concerned about the deaths of our soldiers and the deaths of Iraqis and Afghans that they had weekly protests, some up to hundreds of thousands of people?

      Why are they no longer moved to mass protest by the plight of our troops or the people of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why is noting the brutality of rape, slavery, and crucifixion they experience now, considered crossing a line and being disloyal to your country? Is Obama responsible for any of this? Is he in part responsible for Obama using Iran’s Shia militias to do to Sunni civilians what ISIS did to Shia civilians?

      It is amazing how the left has gone from everything in Iraq is our fault and the plight of Iraqi civilians is the utmost concern to f those guys we don’t care what happens to them. Not to mention Obama engaging in actions that just a few years ago, Democrats would have demanded another President deposed and executed as a war criminal but can not even bring themselves to offer the tamest criticisms of Obama today.

      So why would anyone think Democrat’s concerns are sincere over guns considering their lack of sincerity on other issues? Where is the sincerity when their policies won’t stop the events used to justify them and only punish a law abiding innocent group of people that Democrats hate? The scapegoating and punishment through regulation of innocents is just a way for Democrats to avoid dealing with the criminals in their cities.

      When most people see a tragic event, they want to punish those responsible not scapegoat those not responsible as a means of rallying the base to deflect from the real causes of gun violence.

    3. I find Islamic terrorism within the US quite harrowing. So do most people. And it has something to do with Syria. Thus it is important.

  3. I was watching CNN at O’Hare (ORD) on Friday night, and the CNN people had convened a focus group of gun store owners.

    These business people were entirely sympathetic to the cause of background checks and keeping guns out of the hands of people who cannot lawfully have them.

    The telling remark was their view that the problem was largely one of “straw” purchasers — persons with criminal records send friends and relatives and girlfriends with “clean” records out to purchase the guns for them, and that the DOJ under the President has done nothing to enforce laws-on-the-books against doing this.

    When I heard this, a called out to the TV set, “Gee Wolf (Blitzer), are you a Republican or something?”

    A recent blog post http://dailysignal.com/2016/01/07/10-myths-about-guns/ follows up with the observation that the big enforcement priority in the Administration seems to be against police officers and that any enforcement against the “straw” purchasers is very, very low in priority.

    1. Democrats are simultaneously reducing efforts to fight crime by claiming racism while racially scapegoating innocent gun owners for crime. Crime won’t go down and neither will the attacks on the NRA and gun owners, who Democrats stereotype as being white, male, rural, racist, sexist, and phobes. Its not hard to get Democrats to support punative regulations against a group they view as evil subhumans.

    2. You might get the idea that the guy in the white house, and the rest of his party, is more threatened by free people armed to defend their rights than by the criminals.

    3. What I thought was amazing was that CNN convened a focus group with which their reporters had a much more intelligent discussion about guns, and yes, gun control than what President Obama had with his “town hall.”

      Those gun shop owners, business people who are not only thoroughly familiar with the background check system and also don’t want to see their product misused, had a lot to say about what works and what doesn’t work.

      One would think the Administration would want to listen to those people, but it seems there is a certain emphasis on theatre over problem solving. I was amazed that CNN would give voice to those business owners contradicting the president, considering their left-liberal slant.

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