7 thoughts on “Trump’s Achilles Heel”

  1. One of my big fears about Trump is that he has skeletons in his closet. This piece reveals that it’s even worse than I thought!

    If this doesn’t destroy his campaign, nothing will.

  2. If you’re 5′ 1″ like I was at 15, you play soccer and baseball in school, not b-ball or American football or even lacrosse.

    1. Fred, I hope you realize you just disqualified yourself to be president. 😛

      Now, um, excuse me while I go hide my Jr. High 3rd place soccer trophy…

  3. OMG! I grew up in St. Louis, where soccer was unnaturally popular in schools and professional sports. And I played in high school. Is this a career worry?

  4. It could be worse. You could show up to baseball tryouts with deep familiarity with cricket. How different could it be, amirite?

    I did make the football team though. Barely.

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